Ch. 12

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It was a bit of a shock to Mari when she found out the building she was in was meant to be a horror attraction. At first she didn't believe it but the more annoying kids would scoff at her and mutter how she wasn't scary, but was just ugly was starting to piss her off. At some point she realized it was true, because when Mangle had enough of just one day she took on the role of horror attraction very happily, scaring the shit out of people every time they turned the corner.

Mari started doing it too. She had to admit, hearing their screams brought her much joy. Much more than a kid's laughter used to. There was times where maybe she was hesitant to do it, Jeremy wouldn't of liked seeing her like this, but it didn't stop her. Mari screamed at them, grabbed them, did anything she could to scare them. That was until she saw Her.

A woman with raven black hair walked toward her with her kids. The kids had to be at least thirteen, but she was maybe thirty. Mari froze. There's no way it was her Emma. Her Emma was small, messy hair and tutus. This woman was tall, pretty with wavy hair and jeans. She knew it was her Emma, though when she heard her laugh. Mari backed up into her corner as they passed her. Without thinking she grabbed the woman's hand. "E-emma?" She spoke softly. The woman froze and slowly turned to face Mari, as her kid's turned the corner. The woman looked Mari up and down and smiled softly. "Oh my god.." She whispered, and touched her hand to Mari's cheek. "They never threw you away?" She asked. Mari shook her head. She sighed, and pulled the woman in for a tight hug, that she returned. "Mom?" A boy yelled and peeked around the corner. Emma quickly let go, and ran back to the boy. Mari slumped back down into her corner, and pulled her knees to her chest. It had been five days since she got here, and she was ready to finally go.

Hours later she watched as the same man locked the doors and drove off. "Mangle?" Mari called for the fox. She walked over and looked at her. "You're ready aren't you?" Mangle asked. Mari nodded.

The animatronics gathered near the back hallway, they already had a plan. Mangle looked all week for at least one weak spot she could get to and start the fire, and she found one the night before. "Go ahead." Mari nodded to Mangle. She smiled and jumped up into the vent.

A few minutes later she was back. "It's up." She said. Just a few seconds later the fire alarm started blaring. Mari sighed in relief, this could finally end.

"What the fuck have you done?" Mike screamed as he ran down the hallway. Everyone looked back at him. "He's here?" Mari looked at Mangle, who shook her head. "I-i forgot!" The flames were enclosing them fast as they flew from the vents. "It's not stopping, I can't get out the building is on a set system!" Mike screamed in panic. Freddy slammed his body against the metal exit door. "It's not budging!" He shouted over the loud crackling flames. Mike started coughing, the smoke killing him slowly. "I-i'm gonna die here?" He fell to the floor in front of them. "I'm sorry.." Mari spoke softly. He looked up at her, and shook his head. "It's my fault. I should've let them destroy you so you wouldn't do it yourself." His voice was getting horse. "Freddy keep trying!" She screamed at him. He nodded and slammed at the door again, and again. "Mari?" Mike looked up at her. She looked down at him, then kneeled down next to him. "If I'm dying here I guess I should tell you.. I had a crush on you back when were in school, and I didn't exactly stop with your death either." She looked down at him bewildered. "Mike, now is not the time for a love confession." He shook his head. "I-i know, but I thought you should know." She laughed softly. The door slammed open and Freddy ran over to the group, picking up Mike. "Come on." He muttered, and started pulling him to the door. "I-i'm okay.." Mike pushed Freddy away and started for the door again. There was a low creak, and everyone froze. "Michael run!" Mari screamed as the rafters started falling. The building collapsed in front of them before they could see if Mike made it out. "Oh my god!" She screamed. "Woah.." Chica huffed softly. "H-he made it out.. He had to have.." Foxy said. "H-he did! I bet he did.." Freddy nodded slowly. "Guys?" Everyone looked toward Bonnie, his suit was melting. "It's working." Mari spoke in disbelief. "It's working!" Bonnie laughed. Their suits were melting around them. Mari closed her eyes. It felt as if the weight of everything disappeared. She could breath, and smell. Her eyes snapped open and she looked down. There she stood in her dress, just like the day she died. She laughed, her hands were hers again. "It worked!" She screamed and looked back up. Her friends were now unfamiliar to her. In Foxy's place was a girl, not much younger than her, and besides Foxy was a girl who looked similar to her, a few years younger than Foxy. "F-foxy?" She asked. "Dani.." The girl said, with a smile. She smiled and looked at Freddy. He was a boy about Mangle's age, and next to him was Bonnie. Chica stood beside him, the two looked identical. "Susie!" The boy squealed and grabbed Chica, Susie. She giggled and held him tight. "I can't believe I can see your face again, Jeremy." Susie sighed happily. "You know you look pretty similar to your suit." Freddy said. She nodded. "You look so different Fred- er what is your name?" A smile grew on the boy's face. "Gabriel." He put his hand out. She realized now they were all pale, almost translucent. Ghosts. She took his hand, and pulled him into a hug. "Hi Gabriel, I'm Mari." She said. The boy laughed. "Hi Mari." Mari pulled away and looked to the two sisters. "Hey, wanna race?" Mari asked. The older sister, Dani, nodded. Mari turned, and ran straight through the flames and walls of the building. "Hey!" She screamed behind Mari, and they all followed after. They ran far from the burning building, free from their old lives.

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