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Thirty years passed Mari by like it was nothing. The group had spent most of it in boxes away from each other. She hated that because it was always quite. They were meant to be destroyed, but Afton had other plans for them. She figured it was payback for beating half the life out of him. They moved them around often though, so it wasn't a surprise when the felt the box moving again. What was a surprise though was the sound of ripping tape, and light flowing into her box.

Two men picked Mari up from her box, and dropped her in a corner. She looked around this new environment. The building looked old, rotting maybe. It definitely wasn't up to code. She was sure with one mistake the building could go up in flames or fall apart. Soft giggles and voices echoed through the halls. Mari peaked around the corner. Just a few feet away Mangle sat in a corner too. She looked scared, and she was rotting worse then she had before. Mari looked for a clock, she needed the time. Maybe this place, whatever it may have been, was on a schedule like the old Freddy's. The laughter gets louder, and Mari freezes in her place.

A group of kids, no those were teenagers walked by her. In one of their hands was something bright. It wasn't a flashlight, it had the time on it. 19:03 it read. Just under it was the date. March the second in twenty thirty-two. Thirty years. Mari spent thirty years in that box. She sighed, closing must've been soon.

A few hours later a bell rang, and the few kids who were there left quickly. Mari had full view of the front doors, and watched as a man who couldn't be Afton lock the doors. As soon as he was gone she got up and ran towards Mangle. Mangle looked up at her and smiled softly. She picked up the fox in a close hug, and they ran through the halls to find everyone else. Soon everyone was behind Mari, running with her and giggling. Their joints and gears clicked as they run, signs of rotting and rusting. Mari skidded to a stop when a locked exit door came into few. Their collective sadness filled the air, as they all dropped to the floor in a circle. It wasn't hard to remember what they were, an attraction, they had no freedom.

"I missed your faces." Mangle finally broke the silence. Foxy smiled, and pulled her sister close. "We need to get out of here.." Bonnie said. Mari nodded in agreement. "I don't want to be a toy anymore." Chica spoke softly. Foxy growled "Damn it why didn't he just destroy us? Bastard!" She huffed, kicking one of the leftover masks on the floor. "Language.." Freddy muttered. Soft, but quick footsteps echoed through the halls. "Shit.. is that a guard?" Foxy asked. "Language." Mari muttered and looked over Foxy's shoulder. In the dark hallway she couldn't see much except a large figure, and a shiny badge on their chest, and hat. She nodded. "Should we run?" Freddy asked. "It'd be useless." Bonnie pointed out.

"No way.." The guard stopped behind them. Mari didn't look up only sighed and said. "Not now dude, we're sulking." He chuckled "Sorry to ruin that." Mari's eyes lit up "You're fucking kidding." Her eyes met with Mike's. "Language.." He smiled softly. "Mike?" Foxy looked up at him, as did the other animatronics. "Hey guys." He waved. "Why are you here?" Mangle hissed at him. He instinctively took a step back. "I work here.. Being the only one who knows how Freddy's runs every idea around this place had to go through me, so I just took up the guard job too." The animatronics all shared a look with each other. Mari was the first to say it. "Afton's dead?" Mike looked down at his feet. "Uh yeah, actually died not too long ago at another pizzeria. I thought it was a fitting death." He laughed softly. "I hope he died in a fire." Chica spat. "It actually was a fire." Mike chuckled as he leaned against the wall. "So why haven't you destroyed us yet?" Mari asked. The boy took in a deep breath. "I can't.." He looked down at his feet again. Mari slowly stood up. "Why can't you?" He shrugged, not meeting her eyes. "I-it's not my choice to destroy someone else's work." Foxy scoffed below Mari. "Work.. like we were a project or something." "No, not like that." Mike shook his head. "I.. I mean the suits." Mari growled and stepped in front of him. He looked up at her, and she slammed her hands against the wall behind him. His eyes widened at the aggression, but his cheeks blushed at the closeness. "Bullshit, you want to destroy everything you're dad did just like we do." Mike opened his mouth, but hesitated. "What?" She hissed. "You're all I have left." He spoke softly. She looked at him, confused. "Of what?" He frowned. "Of family.." He said in a whisper, like he was scared to say the word. Mari took a step back. "Family?" Mangle looked up at him. "Why would you consider us family?" Bonnie asked. Mike sighed. "It's just, I grew up with you guys, even when I didn't know who you actually were inside, we were pretty close too before the incident." He looked around the group, then looked away. "It's stupid, I know, a man attached to friends he had when he was younger." "I get it.." Mari said. "You do?" He asked. She nodded. "I do, but you don't get our situation." He shook his head, as if saying he didn't. "Michael I was sixteen when I died, it's been thirty years. Did you know my forty sixth birthday should've passed. Of course you do, cause yours did too. By now I should've had a job, lived on my own, gotten married, maybe had kids, but I didn't. I spent the years, in a box alone, dying again so slowly. We want out of these bodies, these lives your dad forced us into, and you won't let us for what? Sentimental values?" She spat. He sighed deeply. "It's not simple sentiment." She rolled her eyes. "Then what is it?" He looked at her, staying silent. Mari watched him as he stared at her, unspeaking, scared. She growled and turned on her heels, walking away. "Mari I'm sorry." She stopped and looked at him. "Liar!" She hissed, and walked over to her corner, as far away from him as possible. He looked back at the other animatronics, who glared back at him. "I am sorry, guys." He was met with silence from them. A blaring alarm filled silence and he jumped. "Fuck.. I gotta reboot the systems." Mike ran back to the office. "Language!" Foxy yelled at him, and sighed, laying back on the floor.

"We have to get out of here." Freddy spoke up. Everyone spoke up in agreement. "We could set this bitch on fire." Foxy raised her hand, and motioning around a bit for emphasis. "Language." Mangle muttered. "She's not wrong." Chica shrugged. "I'm down if you guys are." Bonnie added. Mangle nodded in agreement. "Casual arson sounds enjoyable." Mari spoke up as she stepped up to her friends. They looked up at her. "So we're burning Freddy's to the ground?" She asked. Freddy nodded. "Whenever you're ready." She nodded. "Okay.." 

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