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Early Wednesday morning Mangle was already running through the pizzaria. Mari laughed at her, and the few children that Mangle was playing with. Mari sat on the edge of the stage watching Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica perform when the door swished open, angry wind blew in her face. The door shut and a deep, booming voice now entered.. The voice was shockingly familiar to Mari.

"Come on, Sean, this place is so cool." Two men in their early twenties entered the dining room. One had dark fluffy red hair over what seemed to be brown hair. The other wasn't dissimilar to him, save for the neon green hair he had. "Mark, this is a kid's place why have ya' brought me here?" The green haired, obviously Irish man asked.

Mari jumped down from the stage, eyeing them curiously. "Welcome to Freddy's." She said as she stopped in front of them. "Hey there, I'm Mark." The red haired man smiled at her. It was warm, the kind that made you smile too. She smiled back, as the green haired man spoke up. "The name's Sean, but ye can call me Jack." Mari nodded. "All right, um I'm Mari." She eyed them again. Mark cleared his throat. "Everything okay?" He asked. Mari nodded. "Yeah, it's just we don't typically get adult men here unless their wife dragged them along to watch the kids." She giggled softly. Mangle dropped down from the rafters above, causing Mark and Jack to jump back. "Holy fook!" Jack screamed. "Language." Mari muttered. "Hi there!" Mangle smiled. "You wanna kill us next time? Jesus." Mark laughed. "Mari, you know these guys?" Mangle looked at her. "Uh, n-no I don't think so.." Mari shook her head. They did look very familiar to her though. "I'm sorry to ask this, but is this ivory haired miss human..?" Mark looked at Mari curiously. "Nope! Just the way the suit was designed I guess.." She laughed awkwardly. She'd be lying if she didn't say the suit was strikingly similar to her human appearance. Which didn't help the situation she was in at all. Mark nodded. "I don't remember you being here when I was younger but you seem so familiar." Mari rubbed her the back of her neck nervously. "She's a new model." Mangle glared at Mark. "Hm, guess I'm just insane." Mark chuckled. "I wouldn't doubt that." Sean gave Mark a side glance. Mark rolled his eyes. "Right.. Well come on Mari, we've got kids to entertain." Mangle jumped down from the ceiling and grabbed Mari's hand. She smiled at the men as she pulled her away. Mari waved at them as she walked away with Mangle to the cove. "Well they're weird.." Mangle said. "Yeah.. I lied." Mari laughed. "About what?" Mangle questioned her. "I know them. They were seniors at my school a year or so ago. They were always kinda off you know?" Mari looked at the two sitting in a booth, laughing. "Isn't one of them Irish?" Mangle looked back at them. "Exchange student." Mari shrugged. "You had those?" Mangle laughed. Mari nodded. "So are we talking off like insane?" Mangle asked. "Yeah definitely that." She answered. "They seem fine.." Mangle shrugged. "Let's not worry about them. The children await us!" Mari pushed Mangle towards the kids crowded around Foxy's stage. She gave them one last glance. They stared back at her, and she shivered. 

A/N Okay, so I've gotten questions about these chapters and since I'm editing the story and I am keeping them in I guess I'll explain my idea behind it. I wanted to do this because Mark is the King of FNAF and I wanted to pay homage to him, and of course what's Mark without Jack? The story is basically this. Mark and Jack went to Mari's school, but were grades ahead of her. They graduate two years before her, about a year before she died. Jack was an exchange student and he moved back home after graduation.  Mari would've been a Junior after this summer, she's sixteen now, you do the math with their ages. Also if  you wondering about their hair, at the time I first posted this they both still had their dyed hair and I don't wanna change that, fight me. 

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