Blow those Baloons!

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After elimination, the Breakers went to the break-room to take a break.

Zoey and Mike were on a corner, both being unconfortable.

"About Mal... ", started Mike.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me. I'm your girlfriend!".

"I know, but Chris told me to don't tell anyone".

"Oh, now I get it. He wanted drama, you wanted the million... It was a great deal, wasn't it?".

"What? That wasn't my plan!".

"Sure was not, Mike. It was all an Chris and Mal's evil complot against you that... Oh! Made you win a million! What a plot twist!", she said sarcastically.

"I love you, trust me! I wouldn't lie at you!".

"You wouldn't lie at me? Do I have to remind you about season four?", she said.

"I told you the truth! What do you want from me?".

"I love you, but I can't trust you if you lie at me every time about your MPD! I really want to help you, but I can't if you keep on hiding your feelings from me!", she got away crying, while Mike was wondering what was happening to her.

At the girls room, Gwen was talking with Trent from a Walkie-talkie, Courtney was yelling at Duncan for voting her through the walkie-talkie too, Heather and Taylor were fighting for the closet, Dawn was combing her hair, Linsday was combing her hair too, Bridgette and Laurie wwere talking about vegan food, Sky was training, Sierra, Carrie and Kitty were talking about Instagram, and Emma was reading. Zoey closed the door loudly behind her while crying, she fell in her bed and kept crying face-down in her bed.

"Trent, I gotta go. Zoey, what happened?", asked Gwen.

"It's Mike", whispered Dawn, Zoey at hearing that name started crying even louder.

"Ugh, so pathetic", said Heather.

"Could you shut up for a minute?", yelled Gwen.


The next day, Chris woke up the teams with his megaphone.
"Good Morning: loosers!",he screamed at the middle room. The girls came out from the right and the boys from the left. "What are you waiting for? Go and prepare yourselves for the seccond challenge!"

At the girls showers:

"Give me my towel back, Amy!", said Samey fighting with her sister.

"Where are my sandals?", asked Heather.

"Are these yours?", asked Taylor.

"Give me back my sandals! ", shouted Heather and jump over Taylor.

"Can you both stop fighting and hurry up?", asked Emma kind of irritated.

Once Zoey got out of the bathroom, somebody grabbed her and covered her mouth. She started screaming but nobody heared. Once the "kidnapper" found a dark place, said:

"Okay, I'm gonna leave you if you promise you'll listen to me carefully", she agreed. He left her.

"Why in the world did you do that for?", she asked a little bit angry. Mal smiled for a moment.

"It was funny to hear you screaming like a little princess", he shrugged his shoulders.

"Anyway, what do you want, psycho?".

"I'm here to tell you to not be mad with Mike because of All-Stars", he said.

"Why? Why did you both do that to us? And why do you even care about Mike and I?", she asked, he started laughing but then became serious again.

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