¡To the rescue! (Part 1)

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"Last time on Total Drama SCAPE, our contestants faced their fears by eating special meals made for each one. Alejandro and Heather made a plan against Zoey and Scarlett that resulted in every TNT getting angry with Mal for no reason. Trent and Scarlett took a ride to the nursery because of poisonous fish and peaches. And Amy and Noah didn't know when to shut up and that took them to Loserland, being Noah the first TNT out. Who will be the next on elimination? Discover it right here, right now on Total Drama Scape!", said Chris.


"How are you? Haven't seen you in a while", said Duncan. Mal took a seat next to him at the bar.

"I'm fine", he replied. "How are things with Courtney by the way?"

"Great, she didn't kill me yet. How about Scarlett?", said Duncan.

"What's up with her?", asked Mal.

"Come on, you two are really obvious! Almost like Mike and Zoey", said Al, who came in to have a drink too. Mal looked at him distrustfully.

"Don't compare Scarlett with that goodie-goodie princess", Mal warned him.

"Well, guess the goodie-goodie part is gone", said Al. Mal raised his eyebrow.

"What do you mean?", he said.

"Well, you know, rumors fly in this castle. And one of them says that Zoey told Scarlett something that made her being mad at you", said Al. Mal laughed a little bit.

"That's pretty stupid! No one would believe that! I mean, we're talking about Zoey, the nicest girl on Total Drama history", said Duncan.

"I'm only telling you what everyone is saying. Zoey liked you on All Stars and...", said Al but Mal interrupted him.

"Hold up, did you say Zoey liked me? Yeah, sure", joked Mal.

"Think about it, Zoey was mean to Scarlett all this season, then they randomly become best friends and she starts being mean to you. Then the whole peach thing. It's obvious, she's jealous of you two and she became friends with Scarlett to apart her from you. And also, being Scarlett's friend, she wouldn't be blamed for the peach incident. Who else could told Chris she was allergic to that?", said Al.

"You're talking about my brother's girlfriend. And Chris has everyone's medical expedient. I know it because Mike had to tell the producers about the MPD. He could know it... And also she said it at loud at breakfast, there are almost four cameras on the cafeteria, one on each corner", said Mal.

"Fine, do what you want. But don't trust Zoey", Al warned him.

"Don't worry about it. I already don't", said Mal. And left the room, Al ended his juice and went where Heather was.

"Are you crazy? Nobody can see us together, I cheated on you, remember?", she said.

"I only came to tell you that Mal doesn't think Zoey would do anything to Scarlett", said Al.

"That means our plan isn't working", said Heather. "And Dawn could put all this plan on risk, so we need to take her out first".

"What are we gonna do then?", he asked.

"We will need a little bit of help from a farm boy", said Heather.

Scott was carving wood when Al and Heather came closer. "What do you want?", asked without looking them.

"There's nobody from the 4th season but you, Dakota and Dawn on our team. We need you to make Dawn look like a thief like you did on that season", said Heather.

"As if someone would trust me. Brick, Mike, Zoey and even Lightning know Dawn couldn't do that", he replied.

"None of them is on our team. You only have to convince the sisters and our team airheads, Justin and Dakota", said Heather.

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