As A Promise (Yoru Nagatsuki × Reader)

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You and your friend, (bf/n), went to the concert named "Procellarum". You don't know who they are but you saw a man that has black hair which is very familiar. 'Do I know him long ago...?' you thought while looking at the picture on top of the building. "Earth to (y/n)" your friend said. You shock your head and look at your friend. "Are you okay?" She ask. "Oh, it's nothing. Some of them look familiar to me..." you said while looking picture again. "Really...?" your friend ask. "Hmm... I think so..." You said, still thinking who's that guy. "Come'on come'on! We don't want to miss the concert!" your friend said, grab your arm and ran inside the concert.

Your friend is really excited that she found a seat for the both of you. Your friend has her own favorite idols which is (tc/n) from Procella/Six Gravi. When you sit down you remembered something from that guy that you saw on the building.

*Flash back*

When you were little, you met a boy with a black hair who is your neighbour. "(Y/n), this is Yoru Nagatsuki". Your mom said. "Hello, I'm Yoru Nagatsuki. It's very nice to meet you" the boy said. "I-I'm (f/n)(l/n). It's very nice to meet you too..." you said shyly. Together, you and Yoru were getting along with each other but one day, Yoru move to another house. Before Yoru leave, you made a promise with him to meet again when you and Yoru grew up.

*End of Flash back*

You shocked when you remember that the man with black hair is Yoru Nagatsuki. "Earth to (y/n)" she said again when you look at your friend. "U-umm (y/n), are you okay?" Said your friend, worried. "Huh? Oh, umm... I'm fine" you said pretend that you don't know anything. Your friend was confuse then she continue watching the concert. 'I can't believe that's Yoru' you thought.

After the concert, your friend have something that says 'back stage pass' on it. "Back stage pass...?" You said confused. "Do you want to meet the Procella?" Your friend ask and you nodded. So, you and your friend went to the back stage to meet the procella. Not for long you saw Yoru in the back stage. You saw the Procella are looking towards you and your friend. Yoru is looking at you and you blushed into pink colored cheeks.

Yoru still staring at you when suddenly You ask Yoru that he knows you from long ago. "Hey Yoru, do you know who she is?" He asked. "She looks familiar to me..." Yoru said still looking at you. "Umm (y/n)... are you okay and why are you blushing?" Your friend ask. "I-i-it's nothing...!" You said, blushed. "Umm, pardon me... do I know you from long time ago?" He asked as he walk towards you. "Umm... well..." you said nervously. "Yes... I'm your neighbor" you said. Your friend and all of the Procella members were shock that you are Yoru's neighbor. "M-my neighbor...?" Yoru said confused and try to remember you while you ask "Don't you remember me...? I'm (y/n)". Yoru surprised that he heard your name "(y-y/n)... i-is it really you!?" He ask. "Yes. It's me!" You said with a happy face. Yoru hug you really tight (not too tight...) and you hug him back happly to see each other again.

Your friend is seriously shock and also the procella members when they look the two of you know each other. "(Y-y-y/n), you know Yoru Nagatsuki!?" Your friend ask, surprised. Yoru realese you and you said "Me and Yoru were friends since long time ago. You can said that we're neighbors or childhood". "And I can't believe that I meet him again" you added as you look at Yoru "(Y/n), I'm so sorry that I forgetting about you, but now remember you. It's really been a long time since we didn't met each other" he said. "Hehe, I know" you said with a smile.

One day, you're playing with your cat when you heard someone knocking the door. You ran towards the door and open the door and you saw Yoru. "Oh, Yoru-kun" you said. "Hello, (y/n)" he said and smiled. You let Yoru come in and went to the livingroom. Your mom was so surprise to see Yoru. "Ehh? It's Nagatsuki-kun. It's been a long time..." your mom said. "Yeah, it's been a long time too" he said.

You and Yoru went to the your room and chatting while Yoru kiss your cheek and you blushed bright red. "I know it's been a long time since we were both kids..." he said, blushed. "Yeah..." you said. Yoru bring something inside his bag and... it's a present for you. "This is for you, (y/n)" he said while giving you the present. You open the present and you saw a yellow bunny with a moon-shaped on it's collar. It's a tsukiusa bunny keychain that is Yoru's version. "It's so kawaii!!!" You said. "Of course I still remember that we're together everynight" Yoru said. "Oh yeah, that was fun" you said and giggle. "Umm... (y/n), can I ask you something...?" He said nervously. "Sure. What is it?" You ask. Will you... be my girlfriend?" He ask and you blushed into really pink/red cheeks.

"I know is complicated but, I want to start this all over again when we are kids. Do you remember the promise we made...?" He ask. "Yes, I remember" you said. "Since we meet again... that's why I ask you. Will you be my girlfriend?" He ask again. "Yes, of course I'll be you girlfriend!" You said and smile at each other. And from that day on, you and Yoru will be together forever, as a promise.

Sorry if it's short story or not. I try my best though. And don't mind about my grammer and my spelling but if it's wrong, I'm so sorry. Please like and commen below which of the tsukiuta character do you want to read next. I hope you enjoy the reading.

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