(Y/n) Birthday Party (Rui Minaduki × Reader)

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Hey! It's me again. It's already my birthday since 18th August and... I'm 14!! I like Yoru at all but for some reason I have Rui in my dreams. A-anyway, this is for Midnight-Wish. I hope you like it!!^^

You look at the rain on the window and thought of it's beautiful. You felt like you want to touch it. You suddenly feel different today. You look at your calendar and realize it was your birthday today. You jump for joy that you're going to turn (Age). Your cellphone started to rang. You pick up and it was from you friends and cousins said "Happy Birthday, (y/n)!!".

"(Y/n)-san…" someone knock the door. You let them in and it was Rui. "Oh, hey Rui-san" you said with a bright smile. For some reason you don't know why Rui is the only one who has day offs. You saw his brother, Rei which he's beside him. "Oh, Rei-san long time no see" you said and Rei smiled. The three of you went to the livingroom... and Yamato also. You get Yamato's food in the kitchen and pour it into the carton. It's been a long time since the last time you saw his brother.

You have a little chat with Rui and Rei and Yoru suddenly open the door. "Tadaima..." he said and you surprise. "Aren't you at work?" You ask and he shake his head. "Nope, me and You took a day off for today." He said. "That's good." you said. You ask him what is he holding the decorations for but he said it's a secret. You felt something mysterious happen in the house. But, you ignored it and continue talking with them.

*In the dining room*

"So, Rei's also here..." Yoru said put the decorations on the table and You nodded. "Did Kai hid the cake already? You asked and Yoru nodded. "Alright, let's do this!!" You said raise his hand.

*7:00 p.m*

You're sitting between Rui and Rei. Rui's phone suddenly rang. He walks out to the livingroom to have a private call.

*Rui's POV*

"Hello" Rui hang up the call. "Hey, Rui. It's Kai" Kai answered. "What's worng, Kai?" Rui ask and Kai said there's some bad news. "We have to finish our works until midnight so, we cannot celebrated (y/n's) birthday. Don't worry, I already tell Yoru and You about it" Kai expalin and Rui answered ok and the call ended.

'Now, it's a perfect time to be with (y/n) alone…' Rui thought and went to the livingroom.

*3rd person's POV*

Rui went inside the livingroom. "Oh, Rui. Who's calling you?" You asked and Rui explained that Kai and the others at their works until midnight. You felt very worry for them because you afraid that they'll overwork themselve. Rui told you to follow him. While you go outside first, Rui wispered to his brother to help You and Yoru with the decoration and he nodded. You, Rui and Yamato walking outside. While the both of you are walking, Rui grab your hand and ran through the forest as Yamato follow them.

You try to tell Rui why but he didn't hear you. As he stop runing, he went behind you. "Rui, what are yo--" your words cut out after Rui cover your eyes. "It's okay, just follow what I want you to go..." he said and you nodded. You're follow that steps that Rui told you. Rui told you to stop walking and open your eyes.

Your eyes widen up as you see an old tree where you remember you always visit Rui and Yamato everyday. "This tree is already old now..." you said and Rui agree. "In the rainy days…" Rui begans to sing. "I was alone, with my cat..." you turn around and hear Rui singing. "But, one day... I see a girl who's very kind... when I first met her... I was a bit nervous..." Rui stopped singing cause he can't remember the lyrics and you continued. "But, then... you felt someting warm inside…" Rui's eyes widen to see that you're singing. "You remember the song?" Rui ask. "Of course, how would I forget?" you said with a bright smile.

"I felt something warm inside too... every since I met you…" you continue singing. "Do we like each other or... just be friends...?" You continue. "Everyday I met you, my heart feels so warm... and sometimes it beats fats when I'm close to you… Everyday and everytime we've met, it feels like I want to be with you forever..." both of you began to sing. "Everyday we sing... everyday we play… Everyday we dance... everyday we see each other again... I hope we'll see again..." you and Rui stop singing and giggle each other.

You play with Rui and Yamato around the old tree. After playing, Rui gave you a gift. You open the gift and it was a frame, with your name and Rui's name on it and you can see the picture of you and Rui first met. You told hime that you loved the gift with a bright smile on your face. Before it started to sunset, both of you and Yamato went home to celebrated your birthday.

Here is Rui's story. I hope you like it. I made that song up with my own lyrics so... you can think of how to sing. Please, comment if someone wants me to make a story of the tsukiuta characters × readers. Bye!!

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