Who will be your Lover? (Hajime × Reader × Arata)

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Hey! I'm back and I'm really sorry for doing this lately because school work and I have to go to school but I'm free today. Since this is the first time to make two characters and one reader. Anyway, this is for jf512274. I hope you like it!

Hajime and Arata always love you but you know what would happen if you're between them. You always help hajime when he's stress at work and for Arata, you always make him strawberry milk whenever he wants to drink.

One day, you're not busy and you don't know what to do. So, you text with your friend, (yf/n).

*Hajime's POV*

I'm still thinking what to do if I don't have any work today. I look at (y/n) and I just realize that she's free and I think she's texting with (yf/n). Since Arata is working with Aoi, Yoru and You, and also (yf/n), 'Maybe I ask to go somewhere for a while' I thought. I walked towards her and she looked at me. "Oh Hajime, is something worng?" She ask. "I just asking if you want to go somewhere for a while" I said and she nodded.

*Third person's POV*

So, you and Hajime go to the park for a little chat sitting on the bench and it feels peaceful. "Oh ya, Hajime where's Arata?"  You ask. "He has work to do on his own" he said looks like he's jealous. He was about to tell you something but your phone suddenly rang. "Oh, one sec" she said get her phone on her pocket. "Oh it's (yf/n)" you said and you chuckled when looking at the text. "What did she text?" Hajime said curiously looking at your phone. "Look" you showed him the picture of your friend and the middle group. Hajime chukled a little bit he stopped when he look at Arata. "Oh, wait a sec" she said continue to read the text. "Oh no! Arata can't notice that I'm not at home!" You said panicly stood up. "I can here you all the way here (y/n)" Arata said and you and Hajime shock.

*Arata's POV*

After the photoshot with Aoi, Yoru and You by a little help of (yf/n), I went home alone since they went somewhere else. When I was walking I heard (y/n's) voice. I hide myself into the bushes. I saw her and she's with Hajime. 'What are you doing with Hajime?' I thought. "Oh no! Arata can't notice that I'm not at home!" I saw that she stood up panicly to go home... I think. But, I stood up and said "I can here you all the way here (y/n)". The both of them shcoked to see me.

*(Y/n's) POV*

"How did he get here?! But how did he... but I was with Hajime... oh no!" I said to myself when I look between them. "I thought you have a photoshot today Arata" Hajime said look at Arata with a serious face. "I've finised my work. So what are you doing here with (y/n)?" Arata said with his emotionless face but inside, he's angry. "A-arata p-please calm dow-". "It's none of your busniess" I cut my words by Hajime sudden speak. Suddenly they have a fight and I try to calm them down but they won't listen. "Don't be mad to your leader or you'll be in big trouble Arata" Hajime said angrily at Arata. I can't take it anymore so I shouted furiously "Stop it!!!!". The both of them stop fighting and you almost cired.

"Why... why... why are you guys fighting anyway?!" I said and the tears fell down to my cheeks. "Are you fighting because I'm the only one with you?! Of course I like both of you! But you kept on fighting in front of me and that's not what I like" I said cried a lot. Hajime and Arata are still in silent.  I remember that (yf/n) ask me that who's my  'real lover'. So I already decide who's your lover. I stop crying and rubbing my eyes. "I already decided who's my real lover!" I said and they shock. "My lover is... __________ and I'm really sorry __________. I mean, I also love you but... he's my lover now" I said.

Hey! Sorry I put that on the story because you can chose if it's Arata or Hajime is your real lover. Well... I quiet have a lot imagination and that's why I made this. I hope you guys like it. Please comment who you want next.

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