Sick Quest (You Haduki × Reader)

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Hello Readers!!! I'm BACK!!! Good thing the exams over. Yokataa~ Anyway, I promise to make 'Sick Quest (You Haduki × Reader)' For @KaitoMyu and here it is!! I hope you like it!!

Today, you have a fever, a really bad fever. So you don't have to go to school with You, Yoru and your friend, (yf/n). Since there's someone taking care of you which is Kai, You, Yoru and (y/f) went to school. "See you later, (y/n)" You said. "Have a nice rest okay" Yoru said and you nodded. "Ok... see you guys later" you said. (Yf/n) looked at you and saw you felt really sad. 'She's really sad...' she thought and went to go to school.

*At school*

"(Y/n) doesn't look happy today" Yoru said. "So, You what are you going to do to make her happy?" (Yf/n) asked You as she looked at him. "What? Me?" He said and your friend nodded. "Besides, you're always with her like everyday that is..." your friend said and Yoru agreed. You, Yoru and your friend try to think how to make you better.

"Ahh! How about we make a quest for her?!" You said. "A quest?" (Yf/n) repeated but felt confused. "Yes!" You said. "Umm, You... (y/n) have a fever... how can you make a quest for a sick person like her?" Yoru asked. "Allow me to explain..." You said got his aura around him. 'Please don't tell me this could be troublesome...' Yoru and (yf/n) thought looking at each other.

~Time Skip about You's plan~

"Got it?" You said. "Oh, I get it!! Me and Yoru were going at home while you prepared everything ready. And if she already know, you hide yourself and she'll fine you" (yf/n) said and he nodded. "Exactly" You said. "But, before she know about this, I'll call Kai for help" You added. "I think that a great idea" Yoru said and (yf/n) agreed. "But, I need the other's help too and also you guys." You said and they nodded and Yoru call them about You's plan.

*At home*

You don't know what to do but just playing your phone suddenly, Yoru and (yf/n) got home. "We're home" they said. "Oh, it's you guys" Kai said. You saw Yoru and your friend but didn't see You. "Where's You?" You asked. "Oh, You" Yoru said. "Hmm, where's You? I hope he doesn't get hurt or something??" your friend said and both Yoru and your friend chuckled a little. 'I know there's something going on here...' you thought acting so suspicious. "Well... we're going upstairs doing our homework. Let's go, (yf/n)" Yoru said and she nodded. "Ok! See you later (y/n)" your friend said as they went upstairs.


"Come on, (yf/n) we going to put this letter to her room!" He whispered and she nodded. "Ok, ok I'm doing it" she whispered and get the letter inside her bag.

(Yf/n) went into your room. Though she don't know your room looks like and she started to shock. "Wow... it's really neat!!" She whispered and her eyes were sparkle brightly. "(Yf/n)!" Yoru called and she startled and look at him. "Ok, ok!" She said and put the letter.

Yoru close the door but you heard the door shut. "Is somebody inside my room!?" You said and Yoru and (yf/n) rushed inside Yoru's room.

*(y/n)'s POV*

"Is somebody inside my room!?" I shouted when I suddenly heard the door shut. "There's nobody inside your room, (y/n)" Kai said. "I'll go check it out" I said going upstairs and went to my room. "You can't just check your room" Kai said. "I have too!" I said.

When I'm inside my room, I didn't see anybody but I suddenly saw a letter on my desk. I pick it up and read the letter.

Dear (y/n),

We have a quest for you. A quest that you lead to Haduki You because he's in danger and you're the only one can save him. With all your might, you'll be with You forever.

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