Two Stars in One Moon (Yoru Nagatsuki × Reader × Akane Asagiri)

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HELLO READERS!!! This is yoru × reader × akane's story. Plus, both of them are my favourite characters in tsukiuta~ If my story is wrong and my sentences is 100% wrong, I'm so sorry. Anyway, this is for @xEaryen. I hope you enjoy this story.

Everybody told you that your name has a special meaning. You don't know why everybody tell you that. When you're the Procellarum and Seleas manager, you've became friends with them. Nagatsuki Yoru and Asagiri Akane were your childhood friends when you first met them at your mother's friend wedding ceremony.

*In the past*

At the wedding ceremony, you're sitting next to a little boy with black hair since your parents and his parents know each other. You're sitting there quietly.

The black haired guy was about to say something but he reject it. "Umm, are you going to say something?" You asked him. "W-what??" He blushed. "You look cute!!" You giggle and you make him blush into red cheeks. "I'm (y/n) (l/n). A lot of people said that my name is special. I can't tell myself why..." You introduce yourself. "I'm Nagatsuki Yoru. My name means 'night'. And sometimes I could be alone. Plus, my friend is about to come here." Yoru said you're confused.

When you look behind, you saw a cute girl that's the same of your age. Her face is a little bit same as yours.

"Hey, Akane" Yoru said with a smile and Akane reply. "Who is she, Yoru?" Akane asked. "Akane, this is (y/n). (Y/n)-chan, this is Akane. She's my friend in kindergarten," Yoru said. "Nice to meet you (y/n). I hope we can be good friends!!" Akane greeted with a happy face and you greeted back.

One day, you went to another school since you move to another house. You're kinda bit shy standing in front of your classmates when you're introduced yourself. You didn't even realize that someone's calling you and you started to look around. "Hey, (y/n)!!" You saw Yoru and Akane wave at you and you wave them back.

After school, you're about to go home but you didn't see your mother's car. 'Where's my mom?' You thought yourself. "Hey, your (l/n)'s daughter, right?" A woman asked you and you nodded. "Mom, what are you doing with (y/n)?" You look behind and you saw Yoru and Akane walking towards to us. "Hy Yoru's mom" Akane said and his mom reply it back.

"Well, (y/n) and Akane are going to sleepover in our house" Yoru's mom said and the three of us surprised. "But, where's my mother??" You're curious. "Your mom is in the overseas. That's why she told me to take care of you" Yoru's mom replied.

*At Yoru's house*

You're inside Yoru's bedroom and also Akane. Akane's parents were overseas, same as your mother. At night, you and Akane were playing blocks while Yoru is looking outside of the window. "Guys, look at this!!" Yoru said and the both of you join looking the view. "It's so pretty!!" Akane said and her eyes sparkled.

The tree of you look at the sky with many stars and some shooting stars. Suddenly, you've found something different. "Look you guys!!" You point at the moon with two stars around him. The stars look bigger and brighter than the other stars. "Wahh, I've never seen that in my life" Yoru said and Akane agree.

*In the future*

While your accompany Procellarum and Seleas's works, you were drawing something on your sketchbook. "(Y/n)-chan!!! What are you doing sitting alone while doing something on your sketchbook?" Akane sit beside you curiously what you've drawn. You showed her the drawing and asked if she remembers it. "Oh, I remember that! We saw that when we're little kids!!" Akane said and you nodded. "What are you two doing right now?" Yoru walked towards us. "Yoru, do you still remember that we saw two stars around the moon?" Akane asked and Yoru nodded. "Ta-da!!" You showed him the drawing and Yoru surprised. "I can't believe you still remember this!!" Yoru said happily and you smiled.

At a beautiful night, you're sleeping with Yoru and Akane. Inside the room has three bed, one for each of them. You and Akane were looking outside of the window. "Hey, (y/n) look look!!" Akane said and you saw the same stars when your little kids. "It's still there, huh?" You said and Akane nodded. "Hey, what are you guys looking at?" Yoru said after taking his shower and wear his clothes. "Yoru, you have to see this!!" You walk towards him and drag him to look at the sky together. "Ohh, is still there!?" Yoru surprised and both you and Akane nodded.

"It kind of reminds me of something..." you said and both of them confused. "Since Yoru's name means night, then he must be the moon and the two of us would be the stars who always be with it," you explain. "Oh, yeah like a brother and his two little sisters!!" Akane said and Yoru agree.

So that it is, you, Akane & Yoru will never forget the moment since childhood until the day three of you die...

Hey, minna!!! Yoru × Reader × Akane is here for you!!! I hope you enjoy it bye!!!!

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