It feels not right without you (Kai Fuduki × Reader)

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KONNICHIWA MINNASAN, WATASHI WAS MIZUHASHI YUMI DESU!! Gladly I can make stories again at this month so, yeh. Today I'm doing Kai-san × Reader today!! Actually, I do remember who's requested this story but, I totally forgot who is it. So if you're the one, I am so sorry that I forgot about you ó.ò and I hope you forgive me for that. Anyways, I hope you enjoy reading and if my sentence and my grammar got wrong all of the sudden, I'm 100% sorry for that

*from the past*

You were with your brother, Kai Fuduki. Your parents died by a flight accident when you're a young age. So, you and Kai ended up living in your aunts house. You were happy to live in your aunts house and also Kai.

But not until one day, you and Kai we're going to by some groceries for your aunt. After that, you guys went home with a furious shock. When you and Kai went inside the house, the room was racked and there's blood everywhere. As you two following the blood trail, you saw your aunt dead on the floor. You cover your face on Kai's face as you hug him in fear since you really don't wanna see a dead body.

"(Y/n-chii), we have no choice.. Let's get out of here" Kai said as you nodded.

As you guys almost reached to the door, a stranger appeared in front of you. Kai came in front of you to protect you and both of you saw that he's holding a gun.

"I'm sorry, (y/n-chii)..." He said and give you wonders

"But.. You have to leave this house without me.. "

You were shocked in fear that you really don't want to let go of Kai since he's your lovable brother.

Kai was begging you to leave or else it will cause much worse. So, you have no choice but to leave the house without him.

While your outside, running to leave the house, you suddenly hear Kai's scream as the stranger was shooting him with his gun.

'K-Kai-nii-san.. NOOOO!!' You thought in your mind and form tears as you running away.

*from the present*

- Kai's POV -

Even though I love to be an idol, there are sometimes that he would miss (y/n-chii). I never showed the procella the injured that I have on my chest thanks to that stranger who shoot me except rui since I'm the one who took care of him. But thankfully, I'm still able to live on but, not our aunt.

'I wish I can meet (y/n-chii) again.." I thought wishing to see her again.

It feels so not right without (y/nn-chii)'s around. I mean, both of us always play with each other, we always tease each other. But, then ever since when I found rui and took care of him. There are sometimes he's just like her but mostly, he's not similar to you. Not due to the appearance but, in personality.

Every night, I look at the galaxy sky and thought of myself

'Why this is not the right feeling that I used to have when I'm around you, (y/n)?'
'Will I able to find her?'
'Will I able to see her again?'
'Oh Lord, please.. I was to see her..'

Until I ended up on crying for missing her. Because without her, I would be able to make everyone happy but instead, I make people mad at me when I was a teenager. I did a lot of mistakes before until I  can't take the arguments they have on me anymore. (Y/n-chii), she's like me only lucky charm. She's always be there for me to make me happy. She's always be there as a supporter. Until after all the struggles we have long time ago and ended up on different paths, it all changed. Oh (y/n-chii), I hope you're safe when we're seperate.

"Guys!! Guys!! We have a new assistant manager today!!" Iku shout in excitement as the procella and I look towards him.

"Oh yeah, I did saw her face before and it's similar to Kai's" Shun said as my eyes widen.

'Was it her? Is it (y/n-chii)? Or shun just made that up?' I thought.

Then, I told shun on stop playing around with me and ended up with his weird chuckle.

Suddenly, Dai came with our new assistant manager.

"Guys I would present you all our assistant manager, (y/n) Fuduki" Dai said.

When I heard that, it made my eyes widen once more. So, Shun is not playing games with me. It's her. It's really her!!

"Hello there, like Dai-sama said I'm (y/n) Fuduki. You can all me (n/n) or (y/n-chii) if you all want to. I hope we get along" She said as she bow down to us.

"Wait, Fuduki??" The others said as they look at me.

"(Y-y/n-chii)..?" I finally spoke and she eyes start to wide up

"Wait, Kai..Kai-nii-san!!" She said as her tears went on her beautiful eyes.

I ran towards her giving her a huge hug as my tears went down towards my cheeks.

Finally, I found her!! I finally found her!! I miss her so much!!

She thought I was dead after hearing the stranger shoot me and my sudden scream before. Well, I told her that I was still able to live on and make her eyes from a tears of happiness and give me a hug ones again. I once hugged her back.

"Well, I would never.. " Shun said with a chuckle of his.

"Kai.. Is that your little sister you've talked to me about?" Rui asked as he walk towards me and (y/n-chii) and I nodded.

I introduce her to rui and my other fellow members. She was so happy to see me again. I asked her where she was when she ran away. So she explain to me


- (y/n)' POV -

When You were running away from your aunt's house, crying into tears after to hear Kai's sudden scream. Your friend, who's playing on the playground, suddenly saw me running and she/he tried to stop me and ask why you're running. You told her/him everything and her/his face change. So, you ended on staying in your friends house. Same goes to Kai, it feels not right without him around. You feel like there something missing in your world. One day, your friend showed you about procellarum when both of you are in high school. She showed you Kai's song 'Sayonara Yume Hanabi'

"I think you remember who's voice is this" Your friend said as you're listening to the song.

Your eyes got widen when you hear his voice.

"K-Kai-nii-san.. " You humbled.

"Wait, so he's not dead? HE'S ALIVE!!" you shouted as your friend smile in relief that Kai is still alive.

You really want to see him again so, your friend took you to Tsukino Production company where your friend's cousin, Kurotsuki Dai, the manager of Procellarum, worked. As an agreement on wanting to see Kai again, Day wants you to be their assistant manager and you nodded.

*form the present*

"I can't believe I met you again, (y/n-chii)" Kai said.

"Me too, Kai-nii-san.. Me too" You said.

Alright, here's kai×reader for you all!! Once again, I forgot who requested this do I'm so sorry and I hope you forgive me. I hope you enjoy this story and if the story doesn't make sense and the grammer and the sentence got wrong, I'm so sorry. Comment down below which tsukiuta or Tsukipro character you all want me to do next. Bye!!

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