Happy Birthday!!! (Hajime Mutsuki × Reader)

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Sorry that I took so long thinking about the story it's just... I've go to school everyday *deep sigh*... by the way, this is Hajime, Hajime Mutsuki ok. If you like Hajime, you can pick this story. I hope you enjoy it. Reminder:-
(Pc/n) - Procella character name (you can pick the characters)
(C/n) - Cousin's name

You felt very nervous that today is Hajime's birthday. Yesterday, Haru texted you that you have to be with hajime after they finish the decoration. Eventually, Hajime don't want one of his members to visited you and Hajime's house. In the morning, you and Hajime went to the park while Haru and the others went to their house quietly. The reason they go to the park is because, you have to wait Haru and the others to finish the decoration.

In the evening, when you're hanging out with Hajime, you've got a message from your cousin because your cousin is acompany with (Pc/n) at his work. "Konbanwa, (y/n)" your cousin texted. "Konbanwa, (yc/n)" you reply. "Who's texting you, (y/n)?" Hajime asked and you reply that is your cousin. Not for long, the sky is going to be cloudy. 'What should I do if it's going to rain' you thought. "Nee (y/n), should we go home? It's getting cloudy" Hajime said. You can't go home since Haru and the others haven't finish decorating. 'We can't go home right now!!! Haru and the other are not finish decorating!!!' You thought. So, you asked Hajime to take a walk for a bit and he sigh and you and Hajime walking around the park.

*The Decorating*

Haru, Koi and Kakeru are almost done decorating while Arata and Aoi finish the cake. Eventually, Arata didn't help Aoi with the cake. Arata only drink strawberry milk like he always do. "Haru-san, I've finish the cake." Said Aoi. "It's look great, Aoi!" Haru said. "It's look delicious" Arata said looking at the cake. Aoi glare at him and said "Well, somebody is not helping me". "Now now you two, at least the cake looks great" Haru said and Aoi smiled.
After the cake and the decoration is done, Haru texted you that they finish the decoration and can go back home.

*Walking at the Park*

When you and Hajime are still walking, your phone ring and you grab it. You've got a message fron Haru that they finish decorating and can go back home. 'Finally, they're finish...' you thought and sigh. Hajime looked at you "Who's texting you (y/n) He asked. "O-oh, i-i-it's (c/n)" you lied and you don't want Hajime to know that's Haru. "Is she still acompany (Pc/n) at his work?" Hajime and you nodded. "Y-yes, she is" you said. "Hajime, let's go home... its going to rain soon" you said looking at Hajime and he nodded.

When you and Hajime went home, you took out your phone and Hajime looked at you. "Hajime, maybe you should open ther door. I have to call someone" you said. "O-okay..." Hajime said and walked towards the door. You started record it your phone and when Hajime was about to open the door, the members shout out.

"1...2...3...HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HAJIME!!!" They said. Hajime was surpised that all of his members were inside his house. But in the inside, Hajime still mad that they went inside his house without permission.
"Hajime I'm so sorry that I lied to you but I have to!!!! I'm so sorry!!!" You said. "But, Happy Birthday Hajime!!" you added and stop recording. "I can't believe you guys surprise me..." Hajime said and he sighed. "Now now, we all know that you hate surprises but we can't just skip your birthday" Haru said. "Eventually this is Haru and (y/n's) idea" Koi added. "(Y-y/n)..." Hajime said looking at you. "H-hahaha..." you laugh with embaressment. You and all of the Six Gravi members celebrate Hajime's birthday.

Hey!! Sorry if the story's short. Sorry that the spelling worng. And this is Hajime's story if Hajime's your favourite character. You can comment below which of the characters you want next. I hope you enjoy the reading!!

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