My Little Blue Sunshine (Aoi Satsuki × Reader)

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Hello readers!!! It's me again. I'm going to make Aoi-san's story!! If the spelling and the sentences are 100% wrong, I'm so sorry. This is for @KaitoMyu and @ako4456 I hope you like it!!

In the morning, you're listening to Aoi Satsuki's song and he looks familiar everytime you look his song album. While you're looking at your phone, you have a call from someone which is your friend. "Hey, (y/n)" you pick up your phone and she reply. She told you that she wants to bring you to a Six Gravity concert at 12 o'clock and you said yes. You took a hot shower and wear your clothes (for home only) and eat breakfast.

After it's 11.30, you change your clothes with (describe your own clothes) and you went to the concert by using a taxi.

After you've arrived, you saw your friend waiting for you. You called her while you ran towards her. "Perfect timing. So, shall we go?" your friend said and you nodded. You went inside to the concert and find a chair to sit. You and your friend sit at (any place that you want). As it already started, you stared at Aoi until the end without a reason. You feel like he's looks familiar to you but, you can't remember because you accidentaly feel on the stairs and you suddenly injured and have lost memories.

After the concert end, you went outside with your friend. "You want to go to the animate cafe shop for a moment?" your friend asked and you nodded.

You and your friend went to the animate cafe shop by using a taxi to get there. You and your friend went inside and go to the Tsukiuta cafe and sit on (wherever you guys want). Your friend order (whatever she/he likes) and you order (whatever you like). While your waiting, your friend told that there's someone else coming here and you asked her who. "Oh, there he is," your friend said and you look at him which is Aoi Satsuki.

"S-sorry I'm late," Aoi said and he's sitting beside you. "It's ok" your friend said. Aoi looked at you and he thought if you still remember him because he already know that you've lost you memories. Your friend went somewhere to get you and your friend's order but, actually your friend went somewhere and give you guys a private talk.

'Why she's taking so long?' you thought while waiting for your friend. "Hey, your name is (y/n), right?" asked Aoi and you looked at him and nodded. "I see you're using that bag," said Aoi as he saw your wearing a small blue bag. "Y-yeah, I don't remember who brought b-but, I don't know why you look so familiar to me," you said to Aoi. "Actually, I'm your childhood friend...," said Aoi and your eyes widen up. "I know that you've lost your memories cause your friend told me about it. But, please remember me... I'm your childhood friend. Same goes to Arata... we used to play together in the cherry blossoms after school," said Aoi and you suddenly remember something.

*In the Past*

You have your first day of school when you're kindergarden. You felt very nervous but very excited. You sit between the two boys which there's a boy with blue eyes on your right and a boy with a black hair on your left.

"Welcome to your first day of school kids. Now, before we start our first lesson, please introduce yourself to your new friends that are sitting beside you. Come'on, don't be shy" said the teacher.

You felt very nervous and it's hard for you to talk cause you kept closing your mouth. "Hello, I'm Arata Uduki and the one beside you is Aoi Satsuki" said the boy wih black hair and he's pointing at Aoi. "A-Arata," said Aoi as he's blushing pink cheeks. "What...? I was just introducing ourselves to her," said Arata and you giggle. "I-I'm (y/n). It's nice to meet you," you introduce to Arata and Aoi.

At break time, you're eating alone while you saw Aoi and Arata play around the cherry blossoms. "Hey, what are you guys doing?" you asked as you walk towards them. "Oh, we're just playing tag around the cherry blossoms" said Arata. Aoi asked you to join and you accepted. You play with Aoi and Arata.

On Saturday morning, you have a bad fever so, you can't go to school. You heard someone open the door and it was your mother. "Honey, there's someone wants to see you," said your mother. You felt very curious and you saw Aoi who was standing beside your mother. "Hey, (y/n)," said Aoi as he walk towards you. "Aoi, aren't you going to school?" you asked Aoi. "Well, I was worried about you but Arata went to school alone," repiled Aoi.

Aoi take a good care of you which makes you happy. You haven't felt like this before since your parents are busy and had to do works everyday. At that time, Aoi gave you a present and you open it. Inside the present is a small backpack which is your favourite colour, blue.

 Inside the present is a small backpack which is your favourite colour, blue

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(This is a backpack that Aoi gave you)

"It's pretty! Thanks Aoi-kun!!" you said with a bright smile on your face and he smiled at you back.

Someone is knocking the door. You let them in and you and Aoi saw Arata who's holding two suitcases. Aoi asked why he's holding two suitcases and he replied that Aoi and Arata's parents can let us stay in your house for a while. You blushed into pink cheeks. Arata asked you what's wrong and you replied that you're happy with it.

You always be together with Aoi and Arata until middle school. One day, you went to another school which makes Aoi very sad. You like Aoi very much and you don't want to lose him but, you force yourself to go since that school is near to your house.

*In the Future*

"Earth to (y/n)" Aoi said and your eyes widen. "I... finally remember," you said and Aoi confused. "Aoi, I remember you now!" you said and Aoi surprised. "Thank goddness..." he said and you smiled at him.

"Hey, guys sorry I'm late," your friend said and Aoi said it's okay. "(yf/n), I finally remember my past!" you said and your friend felt very happy to hear your words.

In the cafe, you, your friend and Aoi chat together while drinking your drinks. Aoi is very happy to see you having your past memorise back.

Here it is people!!! Aoi×reader!!! I hope you enjoy it. Please comment below which character you want to do next. I'll see you guys later. Sayonara!!!

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