My Only Heart of Sadness (Koi Kisaragi × Reader)

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Hey! This is Koi Kisaragi you guys! Since I have more time to do this so it's for StarLyfe, I hope you like it!
For a reminder:-
(H/s) - Hair style
(F/c) - Favorite colour
(P/s) - Place to sit

Today is a perfect day and perfect time because you're going to hangout with Koi for a day. You jump out for joy and really excited to go with Koi today. You're wearing (f/c) dress with a (h/s). Since you get everything ready, Koi just opened your bedroom door. "Hey, (y/n) are you ready?" He asked and you nodded. "You look cute today" he said smiled and you. Your cheeks turn into pink. "Th-thank you, Koi..." you said shyly.

So,you and Koi went to a cafe that's for couples only. You're blushing furiously when you saw the cafe. "Hmm, (y/n) is something worng?" Koi asked and you nodded. "N-No! I-I'm fine" you said still blushing.

You and Koi get inside the cafe and you still blush. Koi know that your blushing it's because you saw the cafe that's only for a couple. Both of you sit (p/s). You saw Koi was getting something from his small bag. You don't anything but to know that your hanging out with Koi for a day. Koi gave you a present and his cheeks turn into pink. "This is for you, (y/n). I hope you like it." He said and you take the present. You open a present and saw a pink bracelet.

 You open a present and saw a pink bracelet

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(This is the bracelet that Koi gave you)

"It's beautiful" you said and try to wear the bracelet that Koi gave you. "Thanks Koi!" you said really happy. "I want to show you something" Koi said as he hold your and ran outside the cafe. "Koi, where are we going?" You said confused but Koi didn't answer. 'Why are we running anyway?' You thought.

"We're here!" Koi said when the both of you stopped running. You saw a lake and a lot of fireflies, flying around the lake and it looks like beauty nature around it. "Wow..." you said. "This is so... amazing. And it looks like beauty nature" you added and Koi smiled at you. Koi get his gittar from the bench beside them. "You just put the gittar out of nowhere!!!" You said. "Well... yes" Koi said and you singhed. "Nevermind..." you said and Koi felt really confused. You sit beside him. He plays the gittar and sing. You listen to his song, a sad song, and it feels like there's love inside and never let go. Of course you like his song and you always cheer him on but like this, when you listen to his sad song it has hard-feelings inside you and suddenly cried. As Koi finish singing, he looked at you. "Eh?! (Y-y/n), w-why are you crying?!" He said try to stop your cries. "I-It's because of y-your s-song..." you said sobbed. "Tch, you're crying because of my song...?" He said almost cried. "You're singing a sad song, Koi. It's feels hard inside me" you said and cry more. "It's okay... I'll always be there for you" Koi said and put his arm around you shoulders. You cried a lot but Koi cried a little. "I love you, (y/n). You will always be my everything..." Koi said. You stopped crying and rubbing your eyes. "I love you too Koi" you said smiled and Koi smiled you back.

For a few minutes, both of you went home.

Sorry if this is a sad story!! I'm so sorry!! From the beginning, I was thinking have a happy day for you guys to be with Koi but... I actually remember about my dream that my old favorite anime killed himself and I got cried. So, I'm sorry ok. Well wait who's next character I want to make. See ya later!!

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