Chapter 25 The End

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"He's awake!! Call the doctor!!" Phil called.

"Phil?" Dan muttered. Phil turned to him, "Yes?"

"What happened?" He asked.

"Dan," Phil was stuck, what should he tell him? "Don't you remember anything?"


It's been two months since you left London and returned to Paris. You went back to your work and everything seems the same. You've heard from Joe that Dan has awoken a week ago and luckily, as the doctor predicted, Dan recovered from his amnesia.

You were happy for him. Phil did what he promised, and Dan didn't remember a thing about the time you two spent together.

Also, Mike was arrested. He confessed that he had a big crush on you since high school, but by the time he wanted to tell you, you and Dan were a thing already. That's why, the love to you then transformed into hatred and wanted to kill you and make Dan suffer. And yes, he is the person at the beach and the person who put the peanut butter cake on the kitchen counter.

Although everything seems normal once again, you still felt unusually sad during the night. You buried yourself into your work, trying to ease the unhappiness, but it's not working.


"Hey sweetie!! We are going to have a family gathering in grandpa's this Christmas. Remember to bring presents!! Love ma <3"

Well, being around family and relatives are really annoying sometimes. But it's been so long since you last visited your grandparents, they are living in Berkshire, England. Moreover, it's good too to get yourself out of everything and relax and gather around the Christmas tree with family.


"Oh hey!! Y/n!! Glad that you make it!" One of your relatives that you're not familiar with welcomed you at the door and gave you s big hug.

"Haha thanks, merry Christmas!" You laughed awkwardly. You stepped into the house, your grandparents' house. A few familiar faces of your relatives caught your eye as you make your way to the food table. It's been so long since you last came here. Grandpa and grandma were busy serving food and there are kids running around the living room. Some might be your nieces or nephews. But you never want know.

The family gathering went perfectly well. You met your family and some of your new relatives. Getting asked a lot of questions and relationships... It's starting to get really annoying and boring. You opened the back door and went outside for a walk. The night is freezing. Every house in the neighbourhood are lit and music is floating softly in the air.

You went to the empty streets and started to stroll along it, watching your steps as you hop from tile to tile. All of a sudden, you bumped into someone and both of you fell to the ground.

"I'm sorry, are you okay?" The person stood up quickly and lend you his hand.

"Yea, Nothing's broken," you reached your hand to met his. His hand is warm...

You looked up and met with a pair of chocolatey brown eyes. Those eyes, that fringe, that face... you have been longing to see yet trying too hard to forget.

"You look familiar," Dan smiled, "have we met before?"

"My name is y/n," you replied.

"Y/n? Y/n? Are you y/n? From high school?" You nodded, "OMG! Haven't seen you in a while. How are you?"

"I'm good," you replied calmly, yet inside, you're exploding with happiness.

"So... what are you doing here? Aren't you in Paris?" He asked starting to take a little walk with you on the side-walk.

"Well, I'm here for a family reunion. You know, Christmas..." you answered, "but the relatives are really annoying, so I'm out here taking in some fresh air."

"Really? Me too." There was a silence followed.

"So how's life?" You asked and immediately started to panic, worrying what Phil had probably told him.

"Well... I was in a car accident recently. Phil told me so. I was in a coma for several weeks..."

"Oh... I'm sorry..." you let out a silent sigh.

"Y/n, can I tell you something?"

"Sure, what is it?" You looked up to him.

Dan stopped and turned to looked at you, a serious look spread across his face.

"You probably didn't saw it, but it was Kat who started the kiss. It didn't last long as I immediately broke it." He said in one breathe.

You were stunned. Standing there, loading for a few second before realising what he was actually saying. You didn't know what to reply to him, "I-..."

"I'm sorry," he cut me off, "I've hurt you several times since high school and didn't actually give you an explanation. Would you forgive me?"

"D-Dan... You remembered?" You don't know what to say, that's too much information to take in all at once.

"Yes... it was just now... I suddenly remembered..." Dan laughed a little, "it was weird..."

You smiled. That empty feeling in your heart has been replaced by a flow of warm and loving feeling. "Of course... why would I not forgive you?" You replied to his earlier question.

"So... can we still be together?"

"Well... I don't know actually..."

"Y/n, would you be my girlfriend, again?" He asked, holding your hands tightly.



Okay... we're at the end... finally

Thank you all of you who have been around since the first chapter!!! If it's not you guys, I probably won't be able to finish the story!!! So thank you <3

Also, thank you everyone who have read till here!! And all of you who have voted and commented!! Thank you :))

I'm going to upload an extra chapter... more like an epilogue on 31 December 2016. So... stay tuned for it!!

Read!! Vote!! Comment!! <3

Love you all,

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