Chapter One

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Three years...Three long years its been since I last saw Inuyasha. I can almost remember that day vividly as it played out in my mind over, and over again. 

The darkness of the pearl from the evil it withheld, it's taunting and torturing. I felt so alone and so uneasy that I didn't know what else to do until Inuyasha found me.  I still can't describe what I was feeling when I saw him, all I know is that I felt safe in his strong arms as he pulled me close and kissed me.

Then after that, I knew I would have all the courage in the world, I glared at the jewel telling it to disappear forever, which sent us to my time in the well. The look on my families face was overly joyous while at the same time that I stepped out to hold them and kiss them and hug them.....Inuyasha was getting sent back to his time.

Neither of us could figure out what was going on. I tried to stop him and to get him out but it was too late, that day was the last that I saw of him. I still die inside just thinking about it.

Suddenly the alarm goes off. I smack it to shut the darn thing off and slowly I sit up, wiping tears from my face.

" Well, I guess it can't be helped.....besides that's all old news anyway."

I slip out of bed and start to get ready for my first day of being a senior in high school. It still blows my mind that it been three years since then. I brush my long black hair and pull it up halfway with a red ribbon.

Running downstairs I slide into the kitchen to take a seat at the breakfast table eagerly waiting to see what kind of food mom has for today. Sota stumbles into the kitchen looking tired still, then again who wouldn't be nervous about their first day of middle school?

Mom comes to the table holding a giant stack of pancakes. I started to grab some off the plate and placing jelly onto them.

Grandpa looked up from his newspaper and smirked. " I see you got another recipe from him?"

Mom smiled softly. " Yes. Apparently, its the biggest food craving in America."

" wll ther good!" Sota says with his mouth stuffed with pancakes.

I roll my eyes at Sota before pushing my plate away. " Well I have to get to school today so I'll see you this afternoon! bye Mom, Grandpa, Sota!"

All three wave at me as I dash out the door trying to get my bag on. I check the time on my wristwatch to see that I have fifteen minutes till opening ceremony starts. I still can't believe I'll be graduating this year! I know I'll have to enjoy it.

I finally reached the corner of the crosswalk waiting for the picture of the walking figure to appear. I started to check to make sure I had everything and that's when things took a turn for the worst.

In just a second a van pulled up to a screeching halt and two men came at me, throwing me into the van. I struggled to scream or yell for help because another man gag tied me and then they tied my legs and hands with duct tape. Fear was surging all through my body as a stared fearfully in the dark not realizing what just happened, who did it and what's going to happen to me.

Okay, I just need to stay calm and remember what dad always told me to do if I ever ended up in this certain situation.

I thought about it even harder, but nothing came to mind.

Oh great. I'm done for!

Finally, the van stops and the men carry me out and lay me down on a couch. It seemed like a storage compartment. They grinned eagerly and started to come towards me. I don't know what to do and I'm so terrified. I can't die now! Quickly the stripped off my school uniform leaving me in my underwear, I felt so violated, but they didn't care. Then some man with a stogie hanging out of his mouth sits down next to me.

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