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Tyler's POV

Tonight is Halloween! Me and Soy Sauce are gonna do two drunk videos. I'm bringing some Fireball. It's a kick in the mouth!

When I got to Sawyer's house, Joey answered the door.

"Hey Tyler. Sawyer will be down soon. He's still getting ready," Joey said with a chuckle. I threw my super hot hamburger costume over my jeans and tee and sat on the couch, chatting with Joey. Soon, Sawyer came out in a fancy black shirt looking sexy. Like, really sexy.

"Damn, boy. You lookin' fine!" I said.

"Thanks, babe," he said with a chuckle.

"What are you supposed to be?" I teased him. "A hot priest?"

"Sure let's go with that," he said, setting up his camera. After the first half hour, we were pretty drunk. After the last half hour, we were completely wasted. We sat on the couch, sloppily kissing and rambling on about nothing.

After a good hour of that, we stumbled into Sawyer's room. I leaped and landed somewhat (well, not really) gracefully on the bed.

"Come at me, babe," I said, and Sawyer jumped on, landing next to me. He talked dirty to me, but I was too drunk to understand what he was saying, so I just sat there and laughed. We ignored any people ringing our doorbell. If I have chocolate in my house, I'm keeping it for myself, not giving it to random children!

Sawyer and I eventually fell asleep, him cuddling me in his arms.

"I love you, baby. Happy Halloween," I said, just as I was about to fall asleep.

"You too, honey," Sawyer said in response.


Sorry it took me forever to get this chapter out!! And sorry it's so short!! writer's block. The biggest pain.

74 reads.






I thought this would get like 7 reads but woah!!

You guys are too awesome!

I see a new fandom developing!!

Lol jk :p

I am so close to 100 reads!!

Thank you all for reading!!



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