Chapter One

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Alice felt a tingle of delight as she made her way through the throngs of guests in the garden. Everyone was dressed in their very best, enjoying the tasty treats provided by the royal bakers, savoring the latest gossip, and bludgeoning hedgehogs with flamingos in a game of croquet. As she continued to slip through the crowd, catching pieces of various conversations, she could hardly contain her glee at the fact that she was there.


In a stolen gown.

She picked at the blue skirt, enjoying the feel of the silk between her fingers. Of course, it wasn't so much wearing the dress that thrilled her; it was the way she had obtained it. Stealing it off of the mannequin had been an impressive feat. They are very alert creatures, so she had had to wait until it was distracted by the small smoke bomb she had set off by the undergarments in order to snag the dress. She had slipped out completely undetected, hiding away the voluminous gown in her smol purse before dashing off home to stash it somewhere safer.

It looked silly on her, or so she thought. Perhaps it was simply because it had been so long since she had worn a dress. In fact, she didn't think she had donned one since she had taken up residence in Mr. Ferret's home. Trousers suited her needs much more so than fancy dresses. However, she had to admit that she did not dislike wearing a dress. It made her feel whimsical and giddy. Or perhaps that had something to do with the festivities she had crashed.

While stealing the dress had been a feat, sneaking into the Queen's tea party had been a miracle. Security was tighter than it had ever been in the history of Hearts. Ever since the Queen had been declared sole ruler of the land, following the King's unfortunate accident that lost him his head, guards had been placed nearly all over the kingdom. It was claimed this was for the safety of the people, but most citizens knew it was to keep watch that the Queen's laws were being obeyed. The King, a giddy, airy type of fellow, had been lenient as a ruler. Not so of his beautiful wife. She ruled with an iron fist, ready to behead anyone at the drop of a hat.

Well, not hat. She hated hats. She tolerated her citizens wearing them, although they had to be strictly sensible and sane, and no one was ever allowed to wear them into court. Most residents of Hearts simply forewent wearing them at all. No one wanted to incur the wrath of the Queen.

Alice's gaze passed over a table of delectable sweets. She did enjoy a good cake, but she was far too excited to think of eating. Her senses were overwhelmed with all of the possibilities. Every lady and lord that passed by was scrutinized as a potential victim of her sticky fingers. How openly the gentry wore their fortunes on their necks and wrists. How inattentive they were to their surroundings. How easy it would be to slip a ruby ring into her smol.

Her spatially remarkable purse was already full of silverware and trinkets, but there was always room for more. It was her most prized possession as a thief. Mr. Ferret had given it to her on the night of her first caper. He had had it made up special by a talented artisan from Chess. So grateful she had been, she had filled it with many shoes pilfered from Mr. Caterpillar's shop.

Casually, Alice removed a silver candleholder from the dessert table and slipped it into her purse. Without a bulge or change of shape, the item disappeared into the bag. Alice continued on her way, keeping her expression bored despite her racing heart. She made her way further into the garden, hoping to find even better treasures to snatch.

A game of croquet was taking place near the red rose bushes. Hedgehogs were flying all over the grounds, and flamingo feathers were floating about as gentlemen and ladies attempted to whack their hedgehogs towards the arched Cards, some of whom appeared to have fallen asleep. Alice wrinkled her nose and continued on. She had never been much for sports. Or maybe she had and she just didn't remember. At least here in Hearts she cared not for chasing a ball-like creature around with a smelly pink bird.

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