Chapter Thirty-One

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The ballroom was filled with people. Dresses of every color, masks of every creature, and feelings of excitement and anxiety. The celebration of the vanquishing of the Jabberwock was certainly something to behold, and while those who attended were always a bit apprehensive due to the Queen's fiery temper, the fear was doubled this year. With the fugitives still on the run, some were surprised the Queen had held the ball at all. The people of Hearts were both eager to see if the rebels would appear and terrified of the Queen's reaction if they did.

Ace himself was feeling rather apprehensive as he scanned the sea of masks and ballgowns. Would he be able to pick her out of the crowd with so many people disguising themselves? He liked to think there was no way he could forget her face, even hidden by a mask, but he wasn't enough of a hopeless romantic to believe that. Besides, he needed to focus on more than Alice. This was the night. This was the night everything would change. By the morning, there would either be a new Queen or he and his friends would all be dead.

The number of guards at the ball was doubled compared to previous years. Extra precautions had been taken to ensure no uninvited guests would be able to take them by surprise. Still, even with the additional security measures, he knew that the rebels would find their way inside. The White Rabbit, though trembling and terrified, had agreed to play his role in the scheme.

Had he already met with them? Were they inside at last? Ace fidgeted with the buttons on his uniform, still searching the crowd for a familiar face. The Queen had already arrived and was watching the festivities from her throne, looking bored and unimpressed. Despite her efforts to secure the Castle, Ace couldn't help but wonder if she actually wanted the rebels to find their way in. It would bring her the greatest pleasure to put an end to their efforts in front of such a large crowd. Making an example of them would certainly keep any others from considering revolution.

A girl in a sparkling purple gown and a mask made of matching purple feathers approached Ace. "Good evening, Captain," she said with a curtsey.

Ace bowed. "Good evening, Lady Wiggins."

"Don't you just look dashing in your uniform. No mask?"

"Technically, I'm not here to take part in the festivities. I'm supposed to be working."

"'Supposed to be?' Does that mean you might be able to slip away and join me for a dance?"

"Trust me, Lady Wiggins, you wouldn't want to subject yourself to my dancing."

"So I've heard. But my feet may be able to put up with it for one small dance."

Ace hesitated. He didn't much want to dance with the girl, but he knew he had to act casual. Never one to turn down a lady's request, he really he had no choice.

"I would be honored, Lady Wiggins," he replied with a polite smile.

Lady Wiggins returned the smile, and the two made their way towards the handful of other couples who were dancing to the music being played by a stringed quartet. Ace tried his best to concentrate on the steps so as not to injure Lady Wiggins' feet. Thankfully, it was a familiar enough song, but his movements were still stiff and awkward.

"So I heard you were kidnapped by that group of rebels," Lady Wiggins said.

Worried that talking and dancing would lead to disaster, Ace smiled and kept his reply short. "Yes."

"Was it awful?"

"It could have been worse."

"That hatter fellow is positively bonkers, or so I've been told. Is he the one who gave you that nasty bruise?"

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