Chapter Thirteen

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Cath clenched her fists tightly, her nails digging deep into her palms. She ignored the pain and narrowed her eyes at her captain of the guard.

"What do you mean she escaped?" she asked between clenched teeth.

Ace had his head bowed respectfully, both arms rigid at his sides. "Just that, Your Majesty. Alice Liddell bested me and escaped."

"Are you really so useless, Captain Ace?"

"Your Majesty, with all due respect," interrupted Ace's sergeant, "it was not Captain Ace's fault."

Cath shot the guard a withering glare. The man shrunk back. "Oh it wasn't?" she said.

"N-no, Your Majesty," the sergeant continued, clearly shaken. "The girl was wielding the Vorpal Sword."

The name echoed through Cath's head, pulling up all sorts of buried memories. Memories that would have caused any other person to weep and ache as they remembered all that they had lost.

But not Cath.

"Did you say the Vorpal Sword?" Cath asked slowly, turning her eyes to Ace.

The captain of the guard stiffened noticeably, but he did not hesitate to respond. "Yes, Your Majesty."

"How did that little brat gain access to the Vorpal Sword? To my Vorpal Sword?" she demanded, her voice rising with every word.

"I do not know, Your Majesty. I was quite preoccupied with the Bandersnatch. All I know is that she attacked the beast with the Sword."

"And then proceeded to attack you."

The captain swallowed. "Yes, Your Majesty."

A cruel smile pulled at Cath's lips. "How embarrassing, Captain Ace, to be defeated by a little girl."

She wasn't certain, but she could have sworn that Ace was trying to suppress a smile. "I suppose most soldiers would be ashamed," he conceded.

"But not you?"

"I know I did what I could."

Cath glared at him, but her fiery gaze did not seem to unnerve him. Flaring her nostrils, she waved her hand. "Very well. Captain Ace, I want you to send guards throughout Hearts. Station them wherever the fugitives may attempt to hide: the millinery, the Crossroads, the ferret's home. I want that girl found immediately."

"Of course, Your Majesty."

With a bow, he turned to leave. "Wait!" Cath called out. The guard turned to her once more. Tapping her crimson lips with a perfectly manicured nail, Cath thought for a moment. "Send guards to search the White Rabbit's house. I wouldn't put it past his maid to harbor the fugitives."

Ace gave another bow. "Yes, Your Majesty."

"That will be all," Cath said, waving him away once more.

The captain and the sergeant left, leaving Cath alone on her throne. The hour was late, but she had not slept since receiving word of the girl's escape. The fury that had erupted inside of her was one she had not known in years. The impertinent, cheeky little tart had dared to steal from her and then escape from her very own dungeon, along with two of her prisoners. And now she had taken away her Vorpal Sword?

No, she would not allow this.

Alice Liddell.

She had never heard the name before that day in Court. However, she did recall her father once telling a story about a little blonde girl who fell down a rabbit hole. She had never heard the ending, and she supposed she never would, considering she had had the tongues of both the Marquess and Marchioness cut out years ago. It was a fitting punishment for their inability to keep their mouths shut regarding her choices in life. This was the first time she almost regretted her decision.


Rising from her throne, Cath made her way towards one of the windows, the clicking of her red heels echoing throughout the empty hall. She gazed out upon her kingdom, dark and sleeping, but hers nonetheless.

She had sacrificed too much to allow a brat with a sword to take it all away. This was her kingdom. This was her throne.

This was her fate.

Raven perched upon her shoulder, joining her in silently observing the land.

"If this little girl thinks she will steal my crown, she is the greatest fool Hearts has ever known," she said to the bird. "And I have had quite enough of fools."

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