Chapter Twenty

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"Alice Liddell!"

Alice woke with a start. Glancing around frantically, she searched for the person who had said her name. But she was in the Forest, all alone. Strange, she remembered the others being nearby when she had fallen asleep. Where had they gone? And who had just called out to her?

"Up here!"

Tilting her head back, Alice gasped as three figures came hurdling towards her. She covered her head and ducked down onto the ground.

"Alice Liddell, you have stolen from us."

Alice dared to peek out from beneath her arms. It was the Sisters from the treacle well. They were glaring at her with such malice and venom that her heart skipped a beat.

How were they here?

"Alice Liddell, you have stolen from us," repeated one of the girls.

"Pardon?" Alice said, sitting up a bit and trying to play dumb.

"You have stolen what is rightfully ours," the girl said.

"Give it back!" hissed the short-haired girl.

"You did not earn it!" growled the long-haired girl.

Alice plastered on a perplexed expression. "I'm afraid I haven't a clue what you're talking about."

The first girl snarled and raised her hand. Alice felt a tug at her side and looked down to find her smol pulling towards the girl. She tried to hold it in place, but the bag was ripped from her grip. It landed before the Sisters with a loud thump. The first girl stooped down and picked it up. Sticking her tongue out, she began to dig inside. She grinned as she pulled out the small box Alice had taken from the well.

"Oh, how did that get in there?" Alice asked innocently.

"You stole it!" the short-haired girl exclaimed.

"That bag has a mind of its own. Strange things are always flying out of it."

"This belongs to us," the long-haired girl sneered.

"We'll be taking it back now," said the girl holding the box.

She and her sisters giggled, and a chill went down Alice's spine. But before they could disappear, the box began to shake. The three of them looked down at it in surprise. Even Alice couldn't help but curiously lean forward. It suddenly leapt from the girl's hands and tumbled back to Alice. She instinctively moved to grab it, but the short-haired girl pounced before she could. However, she quickly let out a yelp and jumped away, covered in scratches from the thorns that had begun to grow around the box. All four girls watched in wonder as the thorns continued to grow, spreading out and producing beautiful white roses. They finally stopped when a protective barrier had grown between Alice and the Sisters.

Alice smirked. "Something tells me the box would rather stay with me."

The Sisters hissed at her before vanishing into thin air.


Alice gasped and bolted upright.

Had that all been a dream?

Breathing heavily, she looked about, searching for the creepy little girls. But there wasn't even a sign that they had been there.

Except for the box lying beside her. It was covered in a thick layer of thorns and white roses. Laying a hand upon it, Alice could feel a gentle beating coming from within.

"What are you?" she whispered.

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