Chapter Thirty-Four

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When Cath finally dared to raise her eyes, she was met with a cold, emotionless gaze. Her newly attained heart ached at the sight of Jest—her precious, sweet Jest—looking at her with such indifference. His yellow eyes, once filled with feeling and depth, were now void of anything even close to the affection he once had for her. Choking on another sob, Cath doubled over again, unable to contain the emotions that had burst within her.

It was a gasp from the little thief that finally drew her attention away from the pain. The small bag that the girl always had with her was moving. Not just moving. It was violently pulling away from her. She tried to hold it back, but something emerged from the purse. It appeared to be a box covered in vines and thorns. Clattering to the ground, it began to twitch. The thief watched, wide-eyed, as the vines began to sprout blossoms.

Roses. White roses. The sight of the flowers sent a wave of nostalgia through Cath. But she hadn't time to dwell on the feeling. The vines were splitting, and as they opened, there was a loud thumping. It sounded very much like—

A heart.

A beating, human heart emerged from the thorns and roses. It flopped onto the floor with a sickening thud. Something about it felt familiar. As if it were a friend from years gone by. A friend she had given to a charming court jester so long ago.

And then, as if simply thinking of him had alerted it to his presence, the heart fixed its attention on Jest. His stone-cold expression twisted into something like confusion. Before he could take three steps backwards, the heart flew at him and embedded itself into his chest. He stumbled and fell to his knees, letting out an agonizing cry.

Cath gasped and scurried over to him, her own heart—no, his heart—beating wildly. He was curled up on his side, clutching at his chest. She swallowed the knot in her throat, wondering what her heart had done to him. Had it hurt him? Had it killed him? Was he the same Jest she had known and loved?

Very carefully, she brushed her fingers against his dark curls. He let out a small moan, and she pulled away quickly. When he did not speak or move, she again went to touch him. But before she could, his own hand reached out and took hold of hers.

Her heart skipped a beat, and a warm sensation spread from her fingertips to her toes. That feeling. That wonderful feeling. She never thought she would experience it again. Even before losing her heart, she had been certain she would never again know the thrill that came with the gentle touch of the man she loved.

His lemon eyes peered up at her through the mess of his curls. His hat had fallen from his head in the chaos, and his entire appearance was now wild and unkempt. But his smile was soft and sweet. It was filled with kindness, concern, and—she dared to hope—love.

Unable to resist his dimples, Cath found herself tracing the outline of his mouth with her free hand. Lifting himself up, Jest brought her hand to his lips and kissed it gently. The tingling sensation lingered long after his lips left her skin. Taking his hand, she removed the black leather glove. With all the tenderness she had been missing for so long, she kissed every one of his fingertips. Tears spilled down her cheeks, and she could not hold back a sob. Without hesitation, Jest pulled her close, and she buried her face into his shoulder. He held her tightly, like he was afraid to let her go. As if she would vanish if he dared to release her.

"Jest," Cath whispered.


"I've done so many horrible things. Horrible, terrible, heartless things."

His embrace tightened. "I know."

"The people I've hurt. The lives I've destroyed. I've been a merciless queen."

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