Chapter Twenty-Six

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Panting, Alice leaned against her knees while Ace lowered his sword and gave her a sympathetic smile.

"Would you like to take a break?" he asked.

Alice shook her head and took a deep breath. Gripping the Vorpal Sword tightly, she straightened up. "No, I just needed to catch my breath. Let's keep going."

Raising his own sword, the two faced off again. Ace had been showing Alice some moves and techniques over the past few days. The others finally decided that he was trustworthy enough to remove his chain, so now the real training had begun.

Blocking. Beating. Parrying. It did a number on her muscles, but she refused to give up. As Ace circled around her, she matched his steps. Retreating back as he moved forward. Sidestepping his blows. Changing directions.

"It's very much like a dance, isn't it?" Alice said.

"I suppose it is. Although, I'm much better at this than I am at actual dancing," Ace said with a grin.

"Is that so?"

"Yes, I'm afraid I'm terrible at leading. And I step on toes. The ladies avoid me at the balls for a reason."

Over Ace's shoulder, Alice saw Hatta perk up. He had been sitting under a tree, hunched over his chessboard as he desperately tried to come up with a plan. But now he rose to his feet, staring at her and Ace. The two lowered their swords as he approached them.

"What did you just say?" he asked.

"I'm not good at dancing?" Ace said uncertainly.

Hatta's eyes widened, and Alice worried Ace had somehow triggered the hatter's madness. "Dancing. Dancing. Dancing at balls," he muttered.

Steeling herself for the oncoming rhymes and riddles, Alice was surprised when Hatta broke out into a grin and laughed. While it didn't sound like full-blown madness, it did seem a tad unhinged. Suddenly, he grabbed hold of Haigha and started dancing him about the Forest floor.

"Dancing and balls and balls and dancing!" he sang.

Poor Haigha was trembling and looking to Alice and Ace for help, but they weren't certain what to do. Finally, Hatta released the hare and turned to the others, his eyes filled with electricity.

"We have our plan."


They took a chance and had Pierrot leave his post as the lookout in order to discuss the plan with everyone present. Hatta's beautiful chessboard was set out before them as they all sat around it. The pieces had moved about a bit. There was now a white bishop on their side, and the red knight had migrated. Said knight had also gained a tiny blue heart. Ace squinted at the piece for a moment before pointing to it.

"Is this me?" he asked.

"It is indeed," Hatta said, grinning wickedly at Alice.

When Ace noticed the blue heart, he turned to Alice and smiled, causing her entire body to flood with warmth and a tingling sensation. Hatta cleared his throat, drawing their attention back to him.

"So, the plan," he said. "Captain, perhaps you can tell us what important date is soon approaching."

Ace thought for a moment. "The Queen is holding her annual ball to celebrate the slaying of the Jabberwock."

"Yes, she is," Hatta said excitedly.

"What does that have to do with us?" asked Alice.

"Nearly all of Hearts attends this ball. Hundreds of people will be there. What's more, it's a masquerade."

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