Chapter Thirty-Five

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Alice watched as Cath and Pierrot—no, Jest—disappeared in a flurry of white rose petals. When the petals disappeared, all that remained were a jester's hat and a crown.

They were gone.

Every muscle in Alice's body went numb. She couldn't even be certain she was breathing. Was this a dream? It was like a fog had come over her, and she felt strangely disconnected from the moment. None of this felt real. It had to be a dream.

Hatta was the first to move. He strolled towards the stairs and picked up the jester's hat. As he gazed at it, Alice thought he looked almost sad. Quickly, though, his expression twisted into something bitter.

"She didn't deserve him," he mumbled. "But he was always going to choose her."

His eyes turned to the crown, and he bent over to pick it up. Alice did not trust the smirk on his face as he made his way back to her. He bowed.

"I believe this belongs to you, Your Majesty." He handed her the crown. It was cold and heavy in her hands. "Long live the Queen."

With that, he lifted his arm, and Raven flew down from somewhere up above. He landed on the hatter's arm, and the two left without speaking a word, Hatta still clutching the fool's hat.

Before Alice could even gather her thoughts, Mary Ann threw her arms around her and squeezed her tightly. "Well, done, Alice."

"I didn't really do much," Alice said.

Mary Ann pulled away. Her eyes wavered slightly as she studied Alice. "I've learned my lesson about trying to push people to choose the path I think is best. But I will say that if you so choose, you will make a wonderful queen."

Her words stung at Alice's numb heart. Giving her hand one final squeeze, Mary Ann turned to follow Hatta and Raven. Haigha gave a respectful bow before hurrying after her. Alice flinched as the heavy Court doors slammed shut. She looked down again at the crown in her hands. Ruby hearts winked up at her, and the glistening gold showed her a distorted image of herself.

"Are you all right?"

Ace was still with her. He laid a hesitant hand on her shoulder. Squeezing her eyes shut, Alice stumbled over to the stairs. "No one is ever all right," she said as she sat down on a step and examined the crown. "All we can ever hope for on the best of days is mostly right."

Sitting beside her, Ace, too, stared at the crown. "I'm sorry. I know he was a good friend to you."

Gritting her teeth, Alice tore her eyes away from the crown. "Yes, he was."

"I know you'll miss him."

Tears leaked from her eyes. "It's not just that. It's..."

Ace watched her patiently, waiting for her to gather her thoughts.

"He deserved so much more," she said. "They deserved so much more. After all those years of being apart. After years of him being trapped with the Sisters at the treacle well. After years of her being married to the wrong man. They were finally together. They could finally be happy. And then..."

The tears turned into streams running down her cheeks. She sniffled and rubbed at her nose. Ace put an arm around her shoulders. "I don't know, they looked pretty happy to me."

"How could they be happy? They gave up their lives."

"They gave up their time. It's a little different from dying. Who knows what will become of them? Maybe they'll be able to continue on elsewhere."


"Or maybe Time will take pity on them."

"Time has never been very kind to people."

"Perhaps their love will move him. Love is magical that way."

Alice nodded, but her tears were still coming steadily. She dug into her pocket to retrieve Ace's handkerchief. As she pulled it out, two more items fell to the floor: Mr. Ferret's sock and the red scarf Pierrot had given her at the well. The reminder of the two people she loved so dearly and would never see again finally broke her. The numbness disappeared, and she was filled with pain and grief. Sobbing, she buried her face into her hands. Ace was quick to wrap his arms around her and pull her close, but even his loving touch could not still her tears.

"I'm...sorry...I..." Alice hiccuped.

"Don't be sorry. Cry all you want. I'll stay here with you." He held her tighter. "I'll stay with you for as long as you want."

Gripping his coat, Alice whispered, "Forever?"

She could almost hear his smile when he said, "It would be an honor."

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