Chapter Nineteen

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Alice and Pierrot wandered about the Forest for quite some time. Thankfully, the mirror had not taken them back to the Flowers. Instead, it dropped them in a random spot amongst the trees, and it took a moment for Alice to finally regain her bearings. As they walked, Alice and the strange, faded man engaged in light conversation. He did not ask any more about the Queen. Rather, he asked about Alice.

"And that's why Tart is as small as he is," Alice concluded, after telling Pierrot about her hedgehog friend.

"Intriguing," Pierrot said, tickling the critter's chin. "He's precious. Have you ever had a pet before?"

"No, Mr. Ferret preferred to eat small animals, not form bonds with them."

"What was his favorite meal?"

"He quite enjoyed mice prepared in various ways. Although, when he could get his paws on a rabbit, it was quite the celebration."

"I'm guessing you did not share his particular taste in food."

"No, not really. We did both like dodo. And sweets. We both loved cake."

"What is your favorite cake?"

"Chocolate," Alice replied quickly.

Pierrot laughed. "No hesitation there."

"Chocolate is the ultimate sweet. Honestly, you could cover field mice in chocolate, and I would be tempted to eat them. In fact, Mr. Ferret once did that when he first took me in."


Alice nodded. "Yes, he wasn't sure what to feed me, having only ever fed himself. He couldn't get me to eat the mice, so he smothered them in chocolate."

Alice laughed fondly at the memory. Fortunately, Mr. Ferret soon learned that Alice preferred her food to be decapitated, skinned, and cooked.

"He sounds like he was a very warm and loving individual," Pierrot said.

Alice smiled sadly. "He was. I miss him very much."

"Losing someone you love is a pain that never fully disappears."

"I think that's only right. If it were to disappear, I would worry that I would forget him."

"I don't think you can ever truly forget someone you love."

Alice glanced up at Pierrot's sad eyes. "Have you lost a loved one?"

"I've lost many loved ones." He gave her a smile. "But I've gained some as well. I'm always very happy to meet new friends like yourself."

"You may not be so happy once you get to know me. I'm quite a bit of trouble."

"The best people are."

Alice winced as she stepped on a stone. When the Bandersnatch bit off her foot, it had taken half of her boot as well. Now all she had was the bit from her ankle to her knee, leaving her bare foot quite vulnerable to cuts and bruises.

"I wish we would find the others soon," Alice said. "I mean, it's good to break in my new foot, but I'm not sure how much longer I can continue on like this."

"Allow me to help."

Before Alice could even protest, Pierrot had scooped her up into his arms. With a sharp intake of breath, Alice steadied herself by wrapping her arms around his neck. She glared up at him, irritated by his amused grin.

"I don't much like being carted around like a damsel in distress."

"I was thinking more like a princess. Or a queen."

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