Best Friend or More?

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Gina POV

My Best Friend and crush is coming over today. Her name is Logan. She is gorgeous. She has long straight dirty blonde hair with green eyes. She is a tomboy like me but will get dressed up girly when she wants. Me on the other hand has short reddish brown hair with hazel eyes. I am a tomboy and will never be seen in a dress unless forced too. I am gay and no one knows that besides Logan. My parents don't even know. My parents are currently on vacation. I couldn't go because of school and they didn't want  me to. Great parents, right?

*Knock Knock* I got up from my bed and walked downstairs to hear the knock again. " I am coming, calm down". I opened the door to Logan smiling. She has a tote bag, probably was going to stay the night. She was wearing a pink Adidas crop-top with black ripped jeans. God she looked perfect. " Come in Logs ". She smiled her amazing smile and walked in. I shut the door and followed Logan upstairs. Her butt looked amazing in those jeans. When I said I have a crush, I mean a crush. I am practically in Love with her.

Logan POV

The door opened to reveal Gina. She looked stunning. She was wearing a black sports bra with black joggers. I have a crush on my best friend. Is that a bad thing? " Come in Logs". I smiled at my nickname. I started up the stairs. After I heard the door close I heard her following behind me.

I laid my head on Gina's lap as we were both on our phones. " L-Logan..." I heard Gina say. Did she just stutter. Why is she nervous? I put my phone down and my eyes met her's. I couldn't speak or move. I felt trapped in her beautiful hazel eyes. I sat up and sat across from her. "I... I..uhh" Gina started to say. I raised and eyebrow in confusion. Before I knew what was happening, I felt her lips against mine. SHE KISSED ME?!? I didn't kiss back cause I was in shock. Right when I was about to she pulled away. " I...I am...uhh. I am sorry" she said getting up from her bed running into her bathroom. I got up quickly and went to go after her. I tried the door but it was locked. I heard her crying from the other side which broke my heart.

Gina POV

I kissed her. I can't believe I kissed her. I just ruined a friendship probably. I locked the bathroom door and cried. I heard the door knob turn a little but not open. I cried more knowing I just lost the most important person in my life. " Gina Open the door now! " I heard Logan shout from the other side of the door. I leaned my back against the sink and wiped my eyes. I didn't say a word. " Gina, please I am not mad " I didn't say anything. I went to the door. " Please Gina, I love you" Did she just say what I think she say. I opened the door to reveal her with stain cheeks. Was she crying also? "What?". She gave a slight smile and repeated what she said. " I love you Gina Hills. " She placed her lips against mine again. I kissed back and smiled into the kiss. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer if it was possible. We pulled away out of breath. " I love you too Logan Scott ". I smiled and hugged her. She nuzzled her face into my neck. I want to have her in my arms forever.

We were laying on my bed cuddling while I broke the silence. " Logan, is this still Best Friends or more?". She looked up at me. She smiled and said " I wish it was more ". I smiled and pecked her lips. " Will you be my Girl?" I whispered against her lips. She smiled and nodded. We kissed again. Her lips were so soft and warm. I loved her. She was now mine. I can't believe it. I guess having a crush on your best friend isn't so bad.

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