True Love Kiss

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Harley POV

"Baby wake up please" I squeezed Racheal's hand. It has been 3 months since the accident. I missed talking to my girlfriend and coming home to her. The asshole who decided to drink and drive hit Racheal when she was on here way home from work. The guy is dead, he got ejected from the driver seat. My baby was wearing her seatbelt though. She is has been in a coma since then. Today the doctors decided to take her off life support. I asked them to try a few more days but they wouldn't listen. " Mrs. Harley its time.... may you please leave the room" I looked up at the doctor as tears streamed down my face. I nodded at looked at my girlfriend laying in the hospital bed one more time. " I love you Racheal " I whispered leaning down placing a soft kiss on her lips. I walked around the bed and walked out of the room not turning back to see the doctor cut the life support.

I sat in the family room waiting for the doctor to call me back into the room. They are now running tests on her. Which made no sense if they took her off life support. I sat in the chair crying my eyes out. I lost the best thing in the world. She was at the wrong place and the wrong time. "Mrs. Harley you might want to come in the room, now" the nurse said in a rush before leaving the doorway. I got up and followed after her quickly.

Racheal POV

All I see is black. That is all I have seen for who knows how long. The last thing I remember is a guy running the red light and hitting me, then it all went black. I heard this morning I guess that I was being taking off life support. Was I going to die? I was scared. All I want is Harley. " Baby wake up please" she squeezed my hand. I wanted to squeeze it back but I couldn't. I want to wake up and hug her and tell her everything is ok but its not. "Mrs. Harley its time.... may you please leave the room" . I wanted to wake up. I can't lose my world. I felt Harley release my hand. Oh how bad I wanted to reach out and grab it again. " I love you Racheal " I heard Harley whisper close to my face. I then felt her soft lips on mine. I missed them. I wanted to kiss back and wake up but It is too late.

I felt the nurse or doctor grab my arm. " Take only I tube of blood" a man said then I heard footsteps. I felt a slight pinch. I flinched my arm. Wait, my arm moved. I tried to move my finger and... they did. I tried to open my eyes... and....they opened slowly.

Harley POV

I rushed in  the room to see the best thing in the world. Racheal was sitting up, with her eyes open, and talking! " Baby, oh my god" I rushed to her bed side crying, crying tears of joy. "W-who are you?" she said looking at me. My heart dropped into my stomach. I started to cry more. I sat down in the chair next to her. "Harley, I know who you are, your my amazing, beautiful, perfect girlfriend." she grabbed my hand. I looked at her. She laughed alittle. God I missed hearing that laugh. "Wow Mrs. Racheal, it seems you have woken up and are doing fine. Your heart rate is good, your blood pressure is good, you have mo pain right?"  She shook her head no. " Well with all these, I believe you are clear to be checked out today in like a couple hours" the doctor and smiled before leaving us alone. I just stared at her.

"True Love kiss" I mumbled. " What baby" she said looking at me. I was laying in the bed next to her. " I kissed you before I left the room and then 10 minutes later your awake" I laid my head down on her shoulder. " Your right, True Love's Kiss is real then" she squeezed my hand. I turned my head and pecked her lips before saying " I love you". Racheal smiled and said " I love you too, so much".

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