The Nerd and The Badass

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Lauren POV

I grabbed my books off of my desk and headed out of the math classroom. Today I felt great unitl I heard her yell from behind me. "Time for your beating " Phoenix ran up behind me and pushed me to the floor. I was much smaller and she was bigger. She punched me in the stomach while her other friends kicked me. "Stop Please" I begged and cried. " Stop crying you big baby" one of her friends said. I couldn't feel my stomach. Phoenix got up and looked at me. I looked right into her eyes. I didn't see evil though.. I saw guilt. They walked away laughing and high fiving each other. I got up and picked up my books and headed to my locker.

"Mrs. Fletcher" The teacher snapped his fingers in front of my face. "Oh s-sorry" I said looking down into my book. I was not focusing cause all I could think about was.....her. I could not get Phoenix off my mind. This might sound stupid but I kind of have a crush on her. I have since the 8th grade. Its just, how can you not....she has these perfect green eyes with this perfect cheeky smile. I just wish she wasn't my bully.

The bell rang and I headed out my the class and straight to my locker. I put my books in my locker and headed to my car. "Lauren wait" I stopped in my tracks and turned around to see Phoenix running over to me. I prepared for a beating but I didn't get hit. "Your coming with me" she grabbed my arm and headed towards her car. Her friends were not with her so I was confused.

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