Marry Me?

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Ashley POV

Racheal and I were walking through the park which soon led to a little lake. For 8 months, I planned how I was going to propose to her. I had my friends set up little lights up in the trees and have a bottle with a message in it float in the water. Racheal and I have been going out for 2 years. I loved her so much. She had long wavy red hair with hazel brown eyes. She was a girly girl and was a model. Me on the other hand had short straight blonde hair with greenish-blue eyes. I was a straight up tom-boy and  worked as a video/photographer.

" Let's go to the little lake at the end of the path" I said pointing to a dirt path leading into trees. She agreed and grabbed my hand. I turned down the path and my heart sped up. I was going to propose to love of my life. I was so nervous but so excited at the same time. I soon saw a little bit of water and it felt like my heart was going to come out of my chest. "You ok?" I heard Racheal say as she looked at me. I nodded and gave my smile she loved. She smiled back and turned her head to face the path. We soon reached the end and my heart sped up.

It was a little dark out but you could see the lights perfectly. " Wow, this is so pretty" Racheal said looking around. I smiled and tried to calm down. It didn't work. I looked out at the lake to see the bottle not so far away. I smiled and said " Hey Babe look" I pointed to the bottle not close enough to grab. I went over and grabbed it shaking a little. I brought it over to her and got the message out. I handed it to her and said " Read it". She opened it and started to read it. "Racheal, I have loved you since the day I met you. You are funny, caring , sweet, beautiful, and most importantly, mine. I have a really important question. Can you put down the paper and listen to me." She put it down and looked at me. I smiled and reached my hand into my pocket. " I love you so much baby girl, So.." I got down on one knee and pulled out a box. I opened it to reveal a small ring but with a diamond on it. I grabbed her hand and looked at her. " Marry me?" I said. I was about to cry I was so scared. My voice was shaky. Tears came down her face soon and she nodded. " Yes! Yes! Oh My God Yes!" she said. I stood up and placed the ring on her finger. I smiled and hugged her. I held her tight like I was going to lose her. Which I am not now. " I love You so much Ash" She said as we realsed from the hug. She placed a passionate kiss on my lips which I defiantly kissed back too.

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