Chapter 11:Ace's birthday

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(A/N:I know that its not Ace's birthday yet, but I needed to release a chapter, so here we go!)

Sanji pov

Victoria hurriedly rushed around our room, trying to find clothes for Ace's party. She was swearing out loud, and saying how much she hates make up. Meanwhile, I sat in the background, chuckling at how cute Victoria is being. I stood up from the bed, and walked inside our bathroom. I wrapped my arms around her waist as she carefully places lipstick on her lips.

"Sorry, Sanji. But I can't go out looking like that troll from under the bridge." She said. I frowned, "Why did you say that?" She then frowned, "Its the truth. You know that I'm not a beauty queen-"  I placed my hand over her mouth. She tried to talk, but I shook my head. I leaned in towards her ear, "Don't say that. Don't you ever doubt yourself. You're the most beautiful woman that I've ever seen. You're my beautiful, strong woman."

I made her face me. I took my hand off her mouth, and kissed her, my hands on her hips. She closed her eyes, and gave into the kiss. I stroked her cheek as I pulled away, "I love you. You're a beautiful girl. No matter what state you're in, I think you're the most beautiful woman in the world." She hugged me, "I love you, Sanji." I smiled, "I love you too, Victoria. Now you stay here, while I go pick out a dress for you, what do you say?" I offered. She nods, "I'm down for that."

I left her with a kiss on her forehead, and went into our closet. I went through all of her outfits, and finally spotted my favourite dress that she owned:

 I went through all of her outfits, and finally spotted my favourite dress that she owned:

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I walked back inside, and presented the dress towards her. She looked at the dress, then smiled at me. "Wait outside, my kind sir." I smirk, "Why, of course I will, my lady." I sat down outside, and waited patiently. While I waited, I picked out a cologne to wear, once that was one, Victoria emerged from the bathroom wearing the dress. "I think I may need thermal tights for this." She muttered as she looked at herself in the mirror. I smile, "I need my lady healthy otherwise. You look beautiful, my Queen." Victoria smiled, "Thanks, my prince."

Victoria pov

I left my hair down, but added more volume to it so that it'll be more 'va-voom' as Itami puts it. I rummaged through my closet, and actually found some killer heels that I bought the other day when I was shopping.

(A/N:Throw back to Arabella's killer shoe game)

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(A/N:Throw back to Arabella's killer shoe game)

Once I was ready, we put our winter coats on, and left our house. We later arrived at Sanji's place a fee minutes later. Ace's place had a lot of cars outside, so we had to park a little bit down the street. Sanji knocked on his door, and we waited for someone to open the door up. Finally, the person who opened the door, was Sabo, Ace's brother that I saw while I was in Dressrosa. He smiled upon seeing us.

"Sanji! Victoria! Its good to see you both!" He greets. I hugged Sabo, "Its so good to see you again." Sabo smiled as I pulled away, "Yeah, I haven't seen you since Dressrosa. How have you two been? Wait, tell me once you're both inside, its cold out here for you two!" Sabo let us in, and we were taking off our shoes at the front door. "Anyway, to answer your question, Sabo, we've been really good. Nothing bads happened, and we like to keep it that way." Sanji answered. "Hows life after Uni?" I asked. "Its good, though the student loan is ridiculous. Arabella & I moved back to start our new life." Sabo answered.

Sabo lead us inside, and we went to their lounge, where everyone was sitting around, talking & laughing. I spotted Kira cradling Pearl in her arms, with Marco, his arm around her protectively. Itami was in the kitchen, preparing the food for all of us, whilst keeping both Ace & Luffy out of the kitchen. I spot Sabo's pretty girlfriend, Arabella, and I immediately saw that she was still carrying her twin children. Before Arabella got pregnant, she was a skinny little thing, almost like a doll. She could be doll..what with her pale complexion, pink lips, a near perfect body, long limbs, shining electric blue eyes, and glossy but silky black hair with blue streaks. Often, she unbeknownst to her, she makes me feel underdressed when I stand next to her.

'Wow, the whole crew is here.'

As soon as Marco spots me, he smiles at me, a genuine smile that warms people up inside. "Hey guys, Victoria's here, yoi!" Ace immediately stopped going for the food, and hugged me, "Vicchan~!" "Oof~! Ace! You know I'm not strong!" I whine. He hugs me close, "I was starting to think that you wouldn't show up to my birthday!" Ace babbled. "Ha! As if I'll miss your birthday!" I handed him my present, "Happy birthday, Ace." He gazes up at me with sparkle eyes, "Thank you~!"

'He seems so cheerful. Did someone accidentally give him drugs again?'

Itami emerged from the kitchen, "Ah! Sanji, just in time! You think you could help me with the food?" "Of course! I'll be there in a second!" He pecked my forehead, then raced off to help Itami in the kitchen. I greeted everyone, then sat down next to Kira, who was holding her little bundle. "How is she?" I asked. Kira smiled at me, "She's quite a sleepy little thing, but whenever she's awake, she's usually looking around at everything. She hasn't smiled yet though, but I'm not too worried about that." Pearl was looking at me, and I noticed that her eyes were different coloured. One eye was a crimson red, while the other was a deep navy blue. "Her eyes..." I murmured. Kira nods, "My little sister used to have little treasure inherited her Aunts special eyes." Kira said with a sad smile.

Marco then looked at me, "Do you wanna try & hold her, yoi?" I nod, "Yes please!"

Kira carefully handed me her baby. I smiled down at Pearl, who kept on staring up at me studiously. Both Marco & Kira chuckled as I kissed Pearl's forehead. "She's so precious.." Kira carefully caressed Pearl's cheek with her index finger, "She's our little treasure. If anything were to happen to her.." Marco suddenly became serious, "I'll kick their asses, yoi. I'll make sure they don't walk away alive, yoi." Marco grumbles. I giggled, "Marco, you're gonna be the best Father. Who knows? She may even have your 'yoi' going on."

Ace cleared his throat loudly, getting everyone's attention. He stood, a grin on his face. "Hey everyone! Thanks for coming tonight, and um...I'm so happy to have all of you in my life, I can't ask for a better family. And hey, the foods ready! So, just...go ahead!" Luffy was laughing, "Bring forth the food!" "Happy birthday, Ace!" We all chorus softly, so that we won't make Pearl cry.

(A/N:There's gonna be a part two!)

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