Chapter 27:Exhausted morning

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Sanji pov

Once I calmed Victoria down, I made her go to bed, while I stayed up to look after Pearl.

'She looked absolutely terrified. I don't ever wanna see her so upset ever again.'

I watched as Pearl slept soundly. I smiled softly at my new niece. "You're so...small. I wonder if you'll be tall like Marco or short like Kira-chan? But I do know one thing: you're gonna be beautiful..and that if any guy touches you, I'll kick their asses." I promised.


I jumped when I heard the door bell. Pearl started to cry out of fear, I could understand, she's only a baby after all, and probably doesn't even know what a cow sounds like. I quickly answered the door, and found Kira standing there, looking absolutely exhausted. "Hey Sanji...." I yawned, and let Kira in, "She's just starting to wake up..can I get you anything? Coffee? Juice? Water? Parfait?" I offered. She let out a sigh, "A parfait sounds amazing." Kira mumbled.

As Kira went inside the lounge to hold Pearl. Pearl started to calm down as Kira cradled her, and assured her that she was here with her. I grabbed a parfait out of the fridge, and sat down in front of Kira, giving her the raspberry parfait. "Thanks Sanji." "Was it a tough day today?" I asked. She nods, "How could you tell?" "I know the look anywhere, what happened?" I asked. "Well...there was a car accident, the victims was a Mother, Father, and a little girl named Amaya. Her parents died before we could even start treating them....but little Amaya lived." Kira wiped her eyes, "She's only four...something like this shouldn't ever happen to four year olds!" Kira growled, gripping the bowl. I put my hand on her knee, "Kira, the best part is, is that she's alive. She survived the accident, and that's important." I said gently. "Yes I know but....her family live all the way in Dressrosa...she'll only have her cousin Rebecca, and her Uncle....she'll never see her parents again." Kira whispered, "But..I guess its better than no family."

'Should I tell Kira about Victoria's bad dream? No, I don't think it'll be a good idea. Victoria probably doesn't want anyone to know about it...its best if I keep it quiet.'

"So any problems at all?" Kira asked. I shook my head, "Nope, she woke up a couple of times, but it wasn't anything to be worried about." I said. Kira smiled, "Oh thats good..hey where's Victoria anyway?" Kira asked. "Oh-um she's in bed. She's really exhausted from a hard day at work yesterday." I lied (or well, its a half lie). "Oooh okay, well I best be on my way then. I'll see you guys around!" Kira blurted. I helped Kira out with Pearls overnight bag, and then she left with Pearl.

'Now to see if my Queen is alright.'

I went upstairs, and silently opened our bedroom door open. I found Victoria lying in our bed, starting to wake up. "Has Kira already taken Pearl?" Victoria asked sleepily. I nod, lying down next to her, "Yeah, she just left." Victoria groaned sleepily, "Can you come back to bed now? I want hugs.." I crawled under the blankets, and laid next to her. I moved her hair off her face, and she nuzzled into my chest, "Hugs...." she mumbled. I chuckled, petting her head, "You're so cute when you're sleepy." I sighed. Victoria hummed, "'re cuddly.." Victoria mumbled. I chuckled, and kissed her head, "You're really cute, Victoria." Victoria finally looked up at me, "'re like a big cuddly teddy!" She giggled.

I made her look at me, and then I kissed her. She smiled within our kiss, and laid down on top of me, pulling away from the kiss, "Its not too early know...have a little fun?" She asked deviously. "What kind of fun do you have in mind?" I asked innocently. " know..just.." she then whispered in my ear, "Naughty things.." she whispered in my ear hotly. I turned us, so that I was on top, "Well..since you asked nicely..."

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