Chapter 34:Halt

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Third pov

A loud scream suddenly broke out through the crowd, pretty much making the wedding go to an abrupt halt. Everyone looked around, and tried to find the source of the scream. But it was solved when Sanji yelled, "VICTORIA!" 

(A/N:yes...i am really doing this on their wedding...I'm like sorry but kinda not sorry at the same time...)

Holding Victoria captive, was the Vinsmoke brothers: Ichiji, Niji & Yonji, along with Judge Vinsmoke; Sanji's Father. Victoria struggled in Yonji's grasp, but soon found it to be pointless. "Oi....what the hell are you guys doing!?" Sanji growled. "You didn't invite us to the wedding, how rude of you, little brother." Ichiji sneers. "We'd never invite you anyway! My Mother made you sign a contract to never-" "Shut it, commoner trash." Niji hissed. Judge cleared his throat, "As for that contract that she is talking about...I've never heard of it." Judge stated. "What do you mean?" Sanji asked slowly. "That contract that Adéle supposedly made me sign..has never existed." Judge replied with spite. Victoria looked over at her Mother, " said.."

All eyes were now on Chevallier Adéle. Her eyes were stern, and showed no signs of fear for the Vinsmokes. "Adé this true?" Astor asked. Adéle nods, "Yes...but I had my reasons. I figured that we wouldn't have gotten out of that situation 3 years ago if I hadn't told a lie, but I lied to save my daughter, and Sanji. I thought that they would've let them go..if I said that I had a meeting with Vinsmoke Judge, and made him sign a contract to leave Victoria & Sanji alone. Clearly it worked but.." Judge stared at the woman, his eyes narrowed, "Then how did you know my signature?" Adéle then pulled out a silver badge, "Because, I work with the law. We have a record of signatures from everyone in this country. Seeing as you're a citizen, we had your signature right in ur archives. It was easy to copy." Adéle put her badge away, standing up straight & looking directly at Judge, "And that you've come now & have completely ruined my daughters wedding.." Adéle suddenly pulled out a black pistol, "I will dispose of all of you here & now!" "MAMA NO!" Victoria screamed.

(A/N:That is the most I've seen Adéle speak tbh)

Adéle threw down a smoke bomb, allowing coverage for people to escape. Victoria looked around in a panic, trying to see if people had come to rescue her. Judge turned to his sons, "Ichiji, Niji & I will spread out to slaughter everyone. Yonji, you stay here, and guard our hostage here. Ichi & Niji..make sure that no one lives." Judge instructed. The three boys nod, "Understood." The three men spread out, while Yonji stayed with Victoria. Meanwhile, Kira & Itami had safely evacuated everyone. Kira gave Pearl to Marco, "Run, take her to safety." Kira instructed. Marco shook his head, "I'm not leaving without you, yoi!" Kira shook her head, "No, Pearl needs her Father to keep her safe....don't worry, I'll be fine. I promise." Kira kissed Marco on his forehead, "Be safe, yoi." Kira nods. Once Marco had left with his daughter, Kira regrouped with Itami, Ace, Tsumi, Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Robin, Chikage, Venus & Sanji. "We need to get rid of them, now." Itami stated. Sanji then piped up, "I want all of you to be careful, they're all strong, stronger than me." Luffy nods, his face serious, "Got it! Alright, lets go!"

They split into four teams, three of the teams were to take out Judge, Ichiji & Niji, while the other team was to rescue Victoria from Yonji. The teams went like this:

Team Ichiji:

Itami & Ace

Team Niji:

Venus, Tsumi & Kira

Team Judge:

Luffy, Zoro & Nami

Team Rescue Victoria:

Sanji, Robin & Chikage

Kira had gotten a hold of a chainsaw that was found in a garden, "Not exactly my chainsaw, but fuck it." Kira revved up the chainsaw, and ran towards Niji, "BUT IT'LL HAVE TO DO!" Tsumi looked over to Kira, then smirked, "Glad she could make it." Meanwhile, Niji was chasing Venus, "GAAAAAAH WHY AM I HERE!?!?!" Venus wailed. Kira jumped at Niji, and swiped her chainsaw, making Niji stop his pursuit, "Venus you alright?" Kira asked. Venus nods, "Y-yeah.." Niji clicked his tongue, "Whoever you are, you're dead." Kira smirked, "Oh really? Sorry sweetie, but I have a boyfriend to love, and a daughter to take care of!" Kira declared.

Meanwhile, the smoke was slowly starting to clear, and the Rescue Victoria team had met up with Adéle, who was sneaking around, trying to find where Yonji was holding Victoria. Eventually, they found him. "Let her go, Yonji!" Sanji yelled. "Why are you even interested in this trash? She's filth, and isn't even worth your time." Yonji yelled. Adéle glared at him, "How dare you call me daughter that!" "MAMA!" But it was already too late, Yonji had fired the gun at Adéle..but luckily, Chikage had managed to push Adéle out of the way without being struck by the bullet. Victoria gasped out of surprise, obviously not expecting this to happen. Adéle looked at her son, "Are you okay, are you hurt-" Chikage shook his head, "No. I'm fine." Yonji clicked his tongue, "You were lucky that time, next time you'll get shot."

'Wait a minute, weren't there four of them?!' Yonji thought suddenly.

Then, Yonji got kicked in the face by Sanji, causing him to let go of Victoria. Victoria landed in Sanji's arms, safe & sound. "Sanji!" Victoria said happily. Sanji put Victoria down, "Go, find somewhere safe, and take the others with you as well." Victoria nods, "Y-yeah!" Victoria did what she was told, leaving Sanji to fight Yonji on his own. The two brother fought vigorsly, with Yonji having to use another tactic apart from shooting Sanji. Seeing that Sanji was faster than Yonji, he had easily defeated him in a fight. Yonji laid on the ground, in pain. Sanji took out a smoke, lit it, then finally blew out some smoke, "Seems like Judge hasn't trained you enough." Sanji spoke cooly.

Sanji regrouped with Luffy's groups, who was fighting Judge. Judge had a advantage over the team, since he was a powerful man. But seeing that he was fighting Zoro & Luffy....they had made up for that advantage. Nami seemed to be doing her best with fighting judge, but was having trouble with keeping up. Finally, when Sanji made it, Sanji made Nami fall back to hide with the others, while the three men sealed with Judge. Judge looked down at them, "You're really choosing this miserable life?" Judge sneered. Sanji took his cigarette out, dropped it, then stomped on it, "This a life that I've always wanted." Sanji declared.

And just like that, Luffy, Zoro & Sanji defeated Vinsmoke Judge. Leaving everyone safe from the Vinsmokes.

(A/N:I know that you guys were expecting more, but I'm really still exhausted after flying yesterday)

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