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Just because you don't succeed at something doesn't mean you have failed.  If you choose to look at failure from a different perspective then you have a chance to win. 

In order for your mind to properly put things into perspective you have to start believing in your self.  The brain is the most powerful organ in the human body and when it's stimulated by believing something is possibly you can achieve practically anything.
How can you expect your life to get better when you can't even believe it's possible.  Perspective brings hope to the places you never seen coming.  It opens your mind to alternative thinking that brings about positive results instead of dead end dreams or un fair assumptions.   Perspective is simply a certain attitude or way of regarding something or someone.   Looking at your glass as half empty vs half full, It's his fault not my fault,  That homeless guy must be a drunk and can't afford Housing.  A Certain way of regarding his situation may be that the homeless guy lost his wife and son in the world trade center bombing and everthing he lived for was stolen from him.
When you choose to look at the cup and  appreciate having one no matter how full it is then your practicing diverse and healthy perspective thinking. When you look at the homeless man you passed day after day and stop to ask what he needs or how you could offer hope or encouragement,  you then  become defined by your perspective.
No one way of thinking is right or wrong until it becomes hateful or harmful to those you are inflicting it on.  Ask your self if you have looked at the situation and people involved from more than one perspective to give a fair and honest opinion. We are not the ones chosen to write someone's story,  only God knows why and how things are, so open your perspective on all people's problems before turning a disgusted eye.

Deciding your never going to complete that marathon you've been training many years for can be easily fixed with a change of perspective.  Remember when you believe it you can achieve it.  When you doubt, your PROBABLY out.  With the right perspective you can make the impossible possible.  You could be the encouragement that homeless guy needs to get his life put back together.  

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