Give away your Guilt

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Guilt is a feeling of responsibility or remorse for some offense, crime, wrong, etc., whether real or imagined.  It's an emotion that most of us learn very early in childhood that helps us realize when we've done something wrong and how it has affected us and others around us.   It's God's way of helping us re-examine our behaviors and actions and helping us to prevent making the same mistakes twice. 

Above all else, guilt is a warning sign with a very important purpose.  Unfortunately some of us are not aware of the emotions purpose so were unable to process it's lessons effectively.  We can either choose to ignore the guilty feeling or hold on to them to the point of  becoming toxic to our emotional well being.  The problem then becomes more guilt.  We guilt trip our self and then we become angry, ashamed, even spiteful towards those who created the guilt in one way or another.  For example if we have wronged someone, abused them or caused them harm in some way and we are unable to realize the damage we have caused and make right, apologize for our wrong doings and "give the guilt away" then we create guilt inside us.  

If we are able to let go of the guilt by making right then the guilt is no longer ours to feel.  If we have done our part and made right or forgave our self for what we did that caused the guilt then we no longer belong to that guilt.  It's not our burden to carry any longer.  If you have guilts in your life then you must begin to look at them and and start your work to "give away your guilt"  

After you have made right then all you have to do is give yourself permission to forgive yourself and move forward.  No more does guilt have to be a part of your life, no more does guilt get to be an emotion that resides inside you.  You have permission to live guilt free!  And now you have the tools to do so.  

When we look back over our life and ask our self what difference has It made feeling all that guilt for our mistakes or failures we only feel more guilt and failure right?  We're not living life to our fullest potential with souls full of guilt and shame.  So go ahead and "give away your guilt" what are you waiting for?  

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