thats me

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Dannys p.o.v
"Stop giving yourself pity danny. Its not gonna work. It isnt bringing dally back, it isnt gonna fix your mistakes, and it sure as hell aint gonna get you and pony back together", i kept telling myself the next day. My dad still hadnt come home and i was just thinking. "People have it worse. You weren't the one who got shot down under a streetlight. You didnt almost die from burns. And you dont have to live with the fact that even though it was self defense, you killed a boy. " those thoughts swam around my head and i knew i was right. "Life is still gonna go on. No matter what, hes gone. You arent together and your still gonna be a soc." i kept thinking of all of it. Dally, pony, johnny, the gang, greasers, and the socs. Nothings ever gonna change if pity is all we have. I went to my room and wore a tight pink shirt with my black leather jacket and the pants that matched it. I curled my hair and left. I walked towards the curtis house. I thought about everything that ever happened in my life. The neglect from my father. Then the abuse, then watching my father kill my mother, watching as dally was forced to watch me get beat. It was horrible. I didnt realize i was crying until i knocked on the curtis door and darry opened it. "Danny whats the matter with you. Why are you crying" he said. I felt my face and sure enough, it was wet from tears. "I was just thinking about life in new york" i told him. He gave me a sad smile and let me in. I saw soda standing behind darry with a sad expression on his face. "Danny you never told us what really happned to you and dally when you lived in new york." steve said. I knew the rest of them were curious too, so i told them. "Well" i said sitting down. "When i was born, my mother had took off work until i was 1 and a half. After that i was babysitted by my dad. He never liked me. Or dally. Only my older brother." when i said that their jaws all droped. "You have another brother" they all asked in unison. I nodded. "His name is darnell. He would be 28 by now. He loved me and dally a d always did his best to protect us, but. My dad would lock the door to his room so that he couldnt get in. But when i turned about 3, my dad would lock me in a room with dally and he wouldnt feed us. We would wait until darnell or my mom would come. Then it got worse. By the time i was 3 and a half, i was beaten everyday and then neglected. And dally used to be tied up and forced to watch when he tried to help me. Sometimes my dad would have his friends come over and they would beat both of us." i sighed before continuing. "Then when dally was ten. He got arrested and thats when he left. I couldnt take being with my dad anymore so i had to leave. And when i went to the home, all the girls hated me because i was dals sister. And now, here i am" i said. I was crying and i saw tears in the gangs eyes. "But hey. People have it worse right" i said wiping my tears away. "There is always a positive outcome, mine just hasnt come yet." i said. I felt like the whole world stopped when i told them. Soda slowly walked up to me. "Danny we are always here if you need us." he said. I nodded. "Ok. Lets watch mickey" i said trying to change the subject. They nodded and we all sat down. I rested my head on two-bits shoulder. I always do that. He put his hand around my shoulders and we watched mickey together. I felt my eyes get heavier and heavier. Soon i had fallen asleep on two-bit. When i woke up i was on the couch. Nobody was home but there was a note.
We had to go to work. Two-bit should be by later. Please dont go home yet. We will see you later. There is chocolate cake made just for you in the fridge. There is also food in the fridge. See you soon.
I read the note and smiled. They made me cake. I walked back into the living room and layed back down. I turned the tv up and closed my eyes.  I fell asleep and the next time i woke up, two-bit was watching mickey. "Hey two" i said. He smiled. "HELLO DANNY. ARE YOU FINALLY AWAKE" he said. I smiled. "Yes i am" i said. I watched mickey with him until the rest of the gang walked in. "Hey guys" we said. They all returned our hi. Darry came up to me. "Do you need anything." he asked. I shook my head. " no i think im gonna head home" i said as i got up."you sure" he asked. I nodded and walked to the door. "Hey darry" i said. He looked at me. "Um. Where's carter?" i asked. "She is with her cousin in new york." he said. I smiled before walking out. I walked back to my house and my dad still wasnt home. I let myself in and just layed down. I watched movies until i eventually fell asleep.

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