Meeting Bruce

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Dick sat in his cell in the juvenile detention center. He cried silently in the corner." How could things get so bad in such short a time," he thought to himself,trying to wipe away the continuos falling tears. Then his cell door flies open. Dick makes a little gasp and frantically attempts to get rid of the evidence that he was crying.

"Come with me gypsy," the male voice said. Dick followed closely behind. The man turned the corner then stopped. Dick ran straight into him." You little piece of trash! Watch where you are going," the voice shouted. Dick just kept his eyes on the floor and nodded. Then they continued there walk.

   They entered a meeting room. At the desk sat a tall, big man in a suit. Dick's shockingly blue eyes looked up at the man soft blue ones." This,Mr. Wayne, is Richard Grayson. The boy you requested to see," the headmaster spoke sweetly, but only in front of Bruce.

   A tear made a brake for it down Dick's face but he quickly wiped it away. He had been in the detention center for 2 month and never in his life as he been in worse shape. He was very small for his age, maybe only 30 pounds or so. He was very skinny and ghostly pale. Bruce felt pity for him.

"Hi Richard, I'm Bruce Wayne," Bruce's deep voice said. He tried to make small talk. Then another guard came in and whispered something to the headmaster. "Excuse me for a moment," the headmaster says leaving the room.

"Richard, will you please speak to me," Bruce begged of the child.
"Dick," the young boy said.
"What," Bruce asked confused if the boy was calling him a name.
" I like to be called Dick, not Richard," the boy said quietly. Bruce nodded in understatement.
"Well Dick I have a question for you. Would you like to come live with me," Bruce asked standing up going towards the young boy.

Dick was skeptical, I mean he didn't know much of Bruce Wayne only that he was there the night his parents died and paid for their funeral, and that he was extremely rich, but nothing else.

     He finally nodded, thinking anyplace is better than this. Bruce got a smile on his face. Just seconds later the headmaster came back in.

    "Mr. Cane we will be needing Richard's adoption papers," Bruce said, standing beside Dick. The headmaster left again to retrieve the papers. He returned and slammed them down on the desk. Dick jumped back and glances at Bruce.

     A little while later they were done filling out the papers and it was time to go. Bruce carried Dick's 2 backpacks out to the car. Dick silently slipped into the front seat. Bruce shortly joined him.

"Dick, once we get to the manor, why don't you go cleaned up for dinner," Bruce said seeing it was just a little after 4:30. Dick nodded and they were silent all the way home.

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