Star Wars

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  Dick runs out of the home theater." That has to be my most favortist movie ever."

  "Your most favorite movie ever, Dick." Bruce corrected walking after him. Dick stuck out his arms like a plane and puts his lips together making noises.

  "So you liked the Force Awakened?" Dick nodded his head frantically and 'flew' over to a dining room chair. Pulling it out he quickly plopped into it.

  Alfred came out from the kitchen with a plate of cookies and two cups of milk. He set them in front of the boys and was quickly off to clean more.

  "So who was your favorite character," asked Bruce picking up and a cookie as Dick stuffed his mouth.

  "Kylo Ren."

  Bruce paused and stared at Dick. "But I thought you wanted to be a good guy?"

  "No thanks. The bad guys have all the fun and cool toys. I mean look at the Star Destroyer!"

  "But Dickie, that weapon killed people."

  "Yeah and that's bad," Dick states absentmindedly as he grabs another cookie and shoved it in his mouth.

  "Kylo Ren also kills his dad."  Bruce comments not taking his eyes off Dick.

  "Yeah, that's bad too." Bruce then felt a little wave of relief wash over him.

  "But what about Finn, or Luke, or Rey?"

  "Finn's cool but he's not a jedi. Rey is awesome too, but I don't know and all Luke did was run away," Dick tried to explain.

  " Maybe Luke had a reason for running away."

  "Oh well."

  "Oh, okay then. So why is Kylo your favorite and not Snoke?"

  "Cuz Snoke looks creepy."

"Yeah," Bruce says putting a cookie in his mouth.


Bruce opened the heavy front oak door. Work had just exhausted him, evident by how he trudged in. The house seemed quiet.

Bruce glances down at his watch.' It's only 7:30,' he thinks to himself as he walks in a little more and looks for his little tornado.

Something then smacks Bruce hard against the back. Bruce whips around yanking the object to him. He turns to see Dick with Kylo Ren's mask covering his small head.

"Richard! What on earth wer-"

"Silence," Dick holds up his hand." I'm no longer Richard. Your son is dead."

"Dick, you shouldn't hit me."

"Well Supreme Regent Alfred said that I could not cause him harm. So it must be you."

"What if I say you can't hurt me?"

"You no longer control me."

"Oh you want to bet?" Bruce raises one eyebrow and crosses his arms.

Dick stand up straight from his fighting poise."No."

"Okay then. I recommend you don't hit me again." Bruce then picks up the tons of paper work he dropped because of Dick. He then walks away with his paper work and Dick's lightsaber into his office.

Dick runs off and down the decorate hallway, straight to Alfred.

"ALFRED," Dick wailed," Bruce took my lightsaber!" Dick pulled off his helmet and into Alfred's arms.

"I'm sure he didn't mean to make you sad, Dickie," Alfred soothes rubbing Dick's back.

"He got mad at me Alfred." Dick glances up through his tear filled eyelashes.

"Well, why would he be mad at you," Alfred asked wiping he tears off Dick's cheeks.

"I was waiting for him to got home so I could play with him, since I wasn't allowed to hurt you cuz you said you are too old. I waited until he came in then I hit him with my lightsaber. Then he yelled at me."

"Master Dick, perhaps he was scared thinking something happened to you as you didn't come running to greet him. Also Dick you did hit him with a light saber."

"But we were just playing."

"But maybe he was worried and then you scared him. You have to remember who he is and what he might think could happen."

"Like what?"

"Like you being kidnapped or hurt by bad people."

"Like the people who kill Mami and Tati?"

Alfred nodded his head. Dick wrapped his arms around Alfred and held on.

"Maybe you should apologize?"

Dick nodded.


A knock echoed through Bruce's office. It swung open to reveal Dick in hit batman costume carrying a plate. A smile shone on his face as he marched to Bruce.

"Look what I made for you."

On the tray sits two clay figures.

"That one is you," Dick points the bigger one that looks similar to Batman." And this one is me!" His little finger moves to the littler one with a red torso, yellow cape and black pants.

"Thank you Dickie." Bruce looks at Dick and he sets them on his desk.

"They are my apology gift! I'm sorry! I shouldn't have scared and hit you," Dick jumps into Bruce's lap and wraps his arms around him as best as he could.

"Thank you, Dick." Bruce pulls Dick closer to him.


Sorry this took me so long! I've really been meaning to update I just haven't had any time on my hands! Anyways thank you guys for reading and hope you like it!

  xoxo nightgirl2021

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