New Friend

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Dick kept swinging Bruce's hand as they walked down the overcrowded sidewalk in Gotham city. A huge smile took over Dick's face as he started to pulls against Bruce, wanting to get there even sooner.

"Dick the park is still going to be there no matter how fast we go," Bruce chuckled, yet nonetheless picks up his pace a little.

"I know, but the sooner we get there the more I can play," Dick exclaimed going even faster. Bruce just shook his head and kept walking.

The large park came into view and Dick let out a little squeal of joy.

"Dickie, we come here every week! You act like it's the first time you've ever even seen it!" Bruce stops and makes sure Dick stops for the street crossing. Dick instead decides to bounce on the balls of his feet in excitement.

"I know! I love the park! So I have to be excited!"

"Okay, okay," Bruce laughs shaking his head. They cross the busy road with the large crowd of people continuing on with their ordinary lives.

Dick let go of Bruce's hand right as they step through the gate and he is off. He ran to the jungle gym. He swung from monkey bar to monkey bar. He would hang by his knees and try not to get dizzy from staying upside down too long. Every once in a while Bruce would have to tell him to turn back right side up.

  Dickie was running as fast as he could to the slides when suddenly he collided with someone. Crying started and Dick's eyes widened.

  "I am so sorry," Dick tried to apologize and extended a hand. A little girl with fiery red hair and light green eyes that were filled with tears.

  She didn't take his hand, but instead stared at him. Dick didn't know what to do so he stood there awkwardly. Slowly she took his hand and with her other hand wiped her eyes.

  Dick gave her a little smile." I am very sorry," he apologized again and she just nodded." I'm Richard, but you can call me Dick," he introduces.

  "I'm Barbara. Barbara Gordon," she stutters and her cheeks turn a little pink. She looked down and saw that they are still holding hands. Her eyes grew wide, yet she didn't let go.

  Dick follows her eyes and saw their hands, having forgotten all about it. He looks back up at her and she meets his eyes. She gives a smile and he does too.

  "Do you want to be my best friend," she mumbles. Dick nods and his smile grows.

  "Come on, let's go," he shouts and they race towards the slides. Still holding hands.

  They both go to different slide and shout," 1-2-3 GO!" they shoot off. Dick makes it to the bottom first and race around to Barbara's slide.

  "Barbara! Barbara, I won!"She just smiles at him  and nods.

  They spend the day together, creating havoc. Until they just sat on the bench eating nice cold ice cream that Bruce bought them. Bruce and Commissioner Gordon sat off to the side and talked, while both Dick and Barbara played.

  Dick finished his ice cream before Barbara. He got up and skipped to the trash can. He turns back and shouts," Hey Babs look!" He then goes into a handstand and walks forward on the palms of his hands all the way back to her.

  "Babs," she giggles.

  "Well Barbara is a long name so since mine is shortened I figured that you needed a nickname too!" She just laughed.

  Bruce then came over and gently grabbed Dick's shoulder." Dickie, it's time to go home. Alfred is cooking dinner and he's already going to be mad that I ruined your appetite with ice cream, so we better hurry."
Dick nods then turns to Babs.

  He wrapped Babs in a hug and said," I am glad your my best friend."

  "Me too."

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