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    Dick awoke from a nightmare to Bruce gone." Tati," he asked. No response. He asked again, still nothing. He crawled out of the bed and he crept down the stairs. He doesn't know what it was but something drew him to the old big clock. He pulled on it and it swung open to an elevator. He got in and it dropped down.
   He silently crept out to a dark cave. Then a light caught his eye. In there was a huge computer. He walked towards it and sat down. He clicked on a key and the screen lit up. His instincts took over and he become entranced in it. Then a loud roar startled him. He fell out of the chair and ran as far away as he could but it wasn't far enough. Fear took over and he started to cry.
   A dark figure stepped out of the vehicle." TTTTTTAAAAAATTTTTTIIIIIIIIII," Dick screamed as loud as he possible could. He fell to his knees and screamed and cried for his father.
   "What are you going down here," said the masked man in a deeply horrifying voice. Dick screamed and cried more. Bruce was using all his might not to laugh." I SAID what are you doing down here," he said even more terrifying than before. Dick screamed so loud Bruce was surprised the glass didn't break." Now you are my prisoner," Batman said stomping towards Dick.
   He bent down right in front of him. Then pulled out his handcuffs. Dick screamed for Bruce again. Then he attempted to run but Batman caught him. Dick hit at Bruce's arms to no prevail.
   "Please, please let me go," Dick cried.
   "Dick, Dick relax it's me Bruce," the Dark Knight said. Dick stopped squirming and Bruce pulled off his cowl. Then Dick started to cry again. "What wrong Dickie bird," Bruce asked. Dick wrapped him in a hug.
  "I thought I was going to die and never get to see you again," he cried.  Bruce hugged him tighter.
   "It's okay Dick," he said calming his son down." Did you hack my computer," he asked a little surprised. Dick froze not knowing what to say." I will take that as a yes."
Then the Zeta beam announced some arrivals." Flash , Wonder Woman , Superman , Green Arrow, Black Canary, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter," it screamed.
"Go to bed Dick," Bruce whispered. Dick grabbed Bruce's hand." Dick go up stairs," he said again.
"Come on Bruce just let him stay," Superman begged. Bruce glared one of the most evil glares in the world at him. Then Wonder Woman stepped in.
"Who's this cutie," she said walking towards them. Dick slowly crept from Bruce's grip. Bruce tried to grab his hand by missed. Dick walked up to the greatest heroes in the world and smiled, then they all fell apart in awwwwwws.
"I'm Dick," he said sweetly. Wonder Woman walked up and Dick held out his arms to be picked up. All of them still relished in his cuteness.
" I'm Wonder Woman, what do you like to do Dick," she asked jumping straight to the point.
"Ummmmm I like to do trapeze, play on computers, watch movies, play hide and seek, and be with my Tati," Dick said smiling.
"Trapeze uh, can you show me some," she asked.
"Tati hasn't put in bars but I can do some tricks on the floor," he said jumping out of her grip and landing gracefully. All the league members nodded. So he begun.
He started with some basic thing like backhand springs and such then got more complicated. He began to do stuff like round offs. All of them were amazed by this boy's abilities.
"Do you want to play hide and seek," he begged.
"No," Bruce screamed," no hide and seek!"
"Why Bruce," asked Green Arrow.
"Because he will disappear and we won't be able to find him," Bruce growled.
"Why not just one game," asked Aquaman.
"Fine it's your funeral one you lose my kid," Bruce said taking a seat, not willing to pay. He's already went through this 6 times and every time he has had to bribe Dick out.
"YAY," Dick yelled," who's it?"
"I will be," Black Canary said," only hiding in the batcave though." Everyone agreed then was off.
8 hours later everyone was found except Dick." Where could he possible be," screamed Ollie.
"This is why you don't play hide and seek," Bruce yelled. They had already tried bribery but no response. Superman can't hear him, he says he is everywhere. Then it comes to Bruce. HE IS IN THE AIR VENTS AGAIN!!!
Bruce sprinted over to them and ripped one of to hear soft snoring. Dick had fallen asleep." He's in the air vents," Bruce yells.
"What," all the league members shout. Bruce reached in but couldn't feel him. He must be further in.
"How do we get him out," asked The Flash.
"Can you shift you molecules fast enough," asked Dina. He shook his head." Can you density shift and just drag him through the air vents," Dina asked Martian Manhunter. He nodded and Bruce relaxed somewhat.
About half and hour later he was still in there. Martian Manhunter couldn't do it. Then Bruce just gave up and yelled," Scula se trezi și ieși din fantele de ventilație freakin,"(Dick wake up and come out of the freakin air vents) Moments later they heard a soft pitter patter of Dick crawling.
"a făcut câștig,"( did I win) he asked and Bruce nodded.
"Well that Got to go," Ollie said. After that everyone said their goodbyes and left. Not willing to ever play that game again.

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