I love it

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  Bruce stood in the garage, waiting with his arms crossed. He heard the sound of the limo pulling up to the door. A smile grew on his face.

  Alfred had spent the day bonding with Dick, and taking him to the pier. They went around and enjoyed the somewhat nice day that Gotham offered.

  Dick's little footsteps patterned as he ran to the door only to find it locked up tight. He jingled it a little and glanced back to look for Alfred. Alfred stood there and patted down his pants and jacket pockets.

  "Master Dick, I think I've lost my keys," Alfred states. Dick's eyes grow wide. How will we get inside, is the only thing crossing Dick's mind.
  "Where's Bruce," Dick asks. Maybe he can let us in.

  "He's down town at work." I guess he can't, Dick thinks as his shoulders slump forward a little.
  "Will we just have to wait for him to get home?" Dick watched Alfred for the dreaded answer.

  "Actually, I think I might have left the garage door open just a crack. Maybe you can slip in and open the door the rest of the way for me."

  Dick nods as Alfred's hand rests on Dick's shoulder. He guides Dick to the garage door and true enough to his word the door was cracked about a foot.

Dick went to the ground and effortlessly slipped in. The dark garage made weird sounds as the wind banged against it. When suddenly all the lights come on.

   Dick jumps, but his eyes quickly land on Bruce who is next to the door. Bruce presses a button and the garage door opens. Dick runs up to Bruce and gives him a quick hug.
   Bruce picks up Dick, pulling him close to his chest, attempting to keep his eyes off the surprise.

  "I thought you were at work," Dick said, pushing himself up to look Bruce in the eye.

  "I got home a while ago, but I had to go get something."

  Dick started to bounce up and down," Is it for me? Is it for me?"

  "I don't know I think Alfred might like it more." As Alfred glides in front of them in a small bicycle with training wheels.

   Laughter fills the room, as Alfred attempts to keep riding it.

  "I don't know, Master Bruce. I think it might be too small. Maybe you should take it back and get a bigger one," Alfred said stopping in front of them.

   "No! No! I want it!" Dick wiggles himself out of Bruce's grip and runs to the bike. Alfred gets up letting Dick get on. A huge smile is plastered on Dick's face as he sits down.

   "So you like it," Bruce asks crossing his arms, with a tiny smirk splayed cross his face.

  With a serious face Dick turns to him," No."

  An awkward silence fills the room, as Bruce's face fills with confusion.

  "I love it!"

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