To Clark's Relief

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A/N this part was written for Nightcrawler509 for making me realize that Superman is in some trouble with the Bats. Thanks! I love all the reads I've been getting and I've really tried not to make author's notes to much, but I just have to tell you I appreciate your reads and good reviews. They mean a lot!!

{omg it's a line break!!!}

   Every time the Zeta beam announced an arrival Superman's heart would skip a heart. Sure, he hoped Batman would forget about him telling the League about Dick, but then again he is Batman! Then finally the most dreaded thing happened.
  "Batman02," announced the robotic female voice. Clark considered just saying he was sick and running for his life, but sadly the Dark Knight came in with a glare that would freeze over the Earth. Clark knew what was coming. It was late and a meeting was called that night. Clark knew Bruce was probably snuggled up with his son in a nice warm bed, only to be awoken by his alert.
   Clark was tempted to skip Bruce's contact, but he that would only make him madder, .......maybe. So he sent the death summoning alert.
   Bruce sat in his chair never taking his cold eyes off Clark. Everyone took notice to the that." Clark," Bruce's voice snarled. Clark jumped from suspense. His heart was so loud that was the only thing he would hear and it was echo thanks to his super hearing. He tried to swallow the cotton in his mouth, but it was still dry. He quickly wiped his palms against his pant's leg.
  "Why have you contacted us," Aquaman asked trying to break the silence. Clark couldn't say anything, for fear had taken over his body. He would rather face all of his worst villains 100 times per hour than face a Bat.
   "I-I-I c-called yyou all here to, um, say that I have enjoyed all your friendships and I wish you all the best after I am gone," Clark said hardly getting out the words. Everyone immediately froze. Was Clark in danger.
   "What are you talking about," Green Arrow spoke up. Then the pieces started to come together. All in one movement everyone looked at Bruce. He was still wishing Clark would die from his glare. Then he noticed everyone looking.
   Then the most unexpected thing happened." Robin B-0-1....... Agent A" the Zeta beam announced. They all heard the crying coming from down the hallway. Bruce sprung up. Alfred never comes up here unless it is an emergency.
   He runs to see Dick's arm bent in an unnatural angle. He gasped and quickly took Dick in his arms. Dick screamed and cried in pain. Making Bruce hurt too. The League came running in, looking at the poor boy.
   "Alfred, what happened," he asked.
   "Master Dick woke from a nightmare to you gone. So I assume he heard me washing dishes in the kitchen and decided to come down. He thought it would be quicker if he went down the railing instead of the stairs and he slipped off too early, and tried to catch himself," Alfred explain all in one breath." He won't let me fix it, before you came home."
   Bruce rushed down to the infirmary with Alfred as he started to place Dick's arm properly. Dick still sobbed into Bruce and Peanuts but after it was over and he was given some medicine he fell asleep in Bruce's embrace.
   Bruce sat in the bed and snuggled his son even closer.

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