What if?

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"Come on Dickie, just a little more training, then we are done," Bruce attempted to persuade. Dick stood on the corner of the mat, breathing hard, while Bruce was just waiting in a fighting stance.

"Bwuce, I can't fight like you. I'm not strong enough," Dick whined, sitting down with a 'plop' on the mat.

"Dickie, I know you're tired and discouraged, but if you stop now you won't grow to be as strong as me, " Bruce explained and dropped his stance. He walked over to Dick and crouched down beside him." But, if you just need a break all you have to do is ask."

Bruce watched Dick's bright eyes meet his. Dick nodded slowly and Bruce stood up. He went and grabbed Richard's bottle of water that was thrown on the ground across the room. He gave it to Dick and Dick snatched it and began chugging.

"Dick, if you were really that thirsty, you need to let me know. I don't want you to get hurt because of something that I could easily prevent." Bruce sat down next to Dick. Dick still sipping his water, slowly leaned against Bruce's propped up arm. His eyes began to flutter as he struggled to keep them open any longer.

Bruce glanced down at his little bird to see his eyes quickly kick back open before ever so slowly closing once more. Bruce gently pulled Dick onto his lap and into his arm. Dick's small head rested nicely on Bruce's broad shoulders. Bruce could hear Dick's breathes finally slow down and become even as he couldn't fight to stay awake any more.

'How could I not see how exhausted he was,' Bruce scolded himself. His eyes shot to the clock to notice that it was midnight and way past Dickie's bedtime. Bruce scolded himself more for not being observant.' I might be able to do this to myself, but I can't do this to Dick. What was I thinking? This can't be good for Dick! What kind of parent would I be if I just let him wander onto the street and get hurt. No, I am encouraging him to put himself in harms way! Maybe Dickie shouldn't do this.'

Bruce shook his head and got up with his baby bird still sound asleep in his arms. He crept back into the house and up to his room. He softly laid Dick onto the pillow and went to Dick's room to get his PJs.

Bruce came back to his room to see Dick already snuggled deep into the plush bedding and pillows. Bruce just sighed and went to get ready for bed himself. He crawled into soft bed just a few minutes later, but he couldn't sleep. All that went through his mind was. ' I can't let Dick be hurt by my stupidity.'

So he was going to make sure that would never happen.


"What do you mean I can't help you fight bad guys," Dick screamed and clenched his fists." I am sorry that I fell asleep! It won't happen again, I promise," he whimpered and with the last two words his voice cracked with sadness. " It won't happen so please let me fight. You promised."

"I am sorry Dickie, but no. I don't want you on the filthy streets on Gotham. Anyways Tony Zucco is already captured and in Belle Reve. You don't have a need for revenge anymore," Bruce exclaimed and approached Dick .

"No! Stay way! You broke your promise to me! You're a liar," Dick hissed and attempted to shove Bruce away. Dick bolted up the stairs and straight into his room. He slammed to door and Bruce would hear Dick's wails from there.

"I am just trying to protect you," Bruce mumbled, even though he obviously knew Dick couldn't hear him, but somebody else did.

"Master Bruce," Alfred called from the living room entrance." I know you are trying to do the best by Dick, but did you ever consider, maybe he doesn't want revenge?"

Bruce met Alfred's eyes, and he could still hear Dick's sobs." Alfred, he's only six," Bruce tried to reason.

"Master Bruce, if I do recall correctly there was another child who once lived in this very house, who wanted to make sure nothing like what happened to him would ever happen to anyone else."

"Yes, but you didn't let me go out and fight on the streets of Gotham!"

"If you had someone like Batman at your side, you would have had nothing holding you back. So why do you hold back Dick? We both know you will protect him," Alfred stated and walked further into the living room and closer to Bruce.

"Alfred, the thought of seeing Dick in the littlest of pain absolutely breaks my heart." Bruce shakes his head, trying not to even think about the things mentioned in that sentence. The simply sentence would almost make Bruce cry.

"So imagine how I feel every time you even go out alone," Alfred admitted and his shoulders began to fall a little.

Bruce had never once thought about how his life style could affect Alfred. How could he be so selfish to not even consider the feeling of the man who raised him? Bruce met Alfred's sad eyes.

"I know its scary but at least if one of you were to get hurt the other could get help," Alfred commented.

"You're right."


That night Bruce and Dick stayed in as Bruce taught Dick all that he knew. Now of course even as fast of a learner as Dick is, learning everything the Dark Knight knows could take a long time and they were just scratching the tip of the iceberg.


Hey, guys sorry this took so long to get out. I think that sentence should become my catchphrase at this point. Ugh!

  Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this little story! And I hope you are happy as I am now brain dead!Jk I'm good!

  So I love you all  and thank you so much for reading!!

xoxo nightgirl2021

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