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Bruce rushed up stairs to see his baby bird thrashing and screaming. He ran to Dick and picked him up in a hug." Dick, Dick wake up! You're okay! You're okay," Bruce said waking the child from his torment.
"Bruce," cried the kid.
"It's okay. It's just a nightmare. It's all over," Bruce said.
"B-but I-it always comes back," Dick said wrapping his small figure tight around Bruce's big one.
"It's okay," Bruce said." You want to sleep in my bed?" Dick nodded not letting go of Bruce in fear of his demons. Bruce picked up the child. Holding him close to his chest. Dick held Peanuts mimicking himself and Bruce.
They made their way down the hall and into Bruce's ginormous room. He laid Dick down on one of the huge pillows. Bruce then sat next to him. He then noticed that Dick was still in day clothes not pajamas." Dick, do you want your pajamas," he asked willing to get them.
"I don't have any," Dick said pitifully. Bruce's heart broke even more to know the boy didn't even have pjs.
"Okay how about tomorrow you and I go shopping," Bruce asked. Dick nodded almost asleep again." Okay Dickie," he said then kissed his forehead.
Bruce of course had to leave an hour later for his night job. Which Dick didn't notice.
That next morning Dick found Bruce still asleep next to him. Dick slipped out of blankets and onto the cold floor. He snuck out of Bruce's room and into the kitchen to see Alfred making breakfast.
"Can I help," Dick said braking the silence, scaring Alfred.
"My word," Alfred said regaining his breath." How about you go watch some tv. I'm making a surprise and you don't want to spoil it, now do you," Alfred asked. The boy shook his head no and ran into the living room. He hopped on the tall couch. He grabbed the remote and turned on the tv. The news was on and Dick watched interested in what was happening.
About half an hour later Bruce comes rushing down the stairs. Dick being so small he didn't see him so he ran into the kitchen." Where's Dick," he asked quickly scanning the kitchen.
"In the living room watching the news," Alfred said making some finishing touches. Bruce barrels into the living room to see Dick watching the news intently.
"Dick," Bruce says relived.
"Good morning," Dick said not taking his eyes off the tv." I've never seen one before," he explains," the pictured move on their own!" Bruce felt sad again. That poor little boy has no pajamas and has never seen a tv.
Later that morning they went to a mall to buy Dick clothes. Dick couldn't care less. He was just interested in the toys.
Bruce held Dick's hand as they wiggles through the crowds of people. Bruce had on sunglasses somewhat concealing his identity. Dick was just wearing his basic clothes, much to distracted to look at any new ones. They walk into a child's clothing store. They went to the boys section and began to look. Bruce grabbed a shirt then looked back down to Dick only to realize he isn't there.
"Dick," Bruce's voice asked and waited. He asked it again then again. He searched the store to only find out he's not there." Oh no," Bruce said not knowing where to look. The toys.
Bruce ran to the best toy store to see Dick looking at them. He held a Batman plushy and a Superman plushy." Superman," Bruce growled in his mind. Dick was much to entertained to notice Bruce coming up behind him.
"Dick," Bruce said madly. Dick dropped both plushies in fear. Bruce picked up Dick to only have him tense up. Bruce turned Dick to face him and Dick shut his eyes, terrified to see a mad Bruce.
Bruce bent down and picked up the Batman plushy. He took it to the counter and bought it for Dick. He and Dick then went back to the clothing store. Dick's eyes were still closed." Dick you can open your eyes," Bruce said calming his nerves. He was just afraid to lose Dick, his son.

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