The Tooth Fairy

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   Dick ran down the hallway with a toy plane. Bruce was at work and Alfred was on the other side of the house. So that gave Dick time to be mischievous. He turned the corner sharply, hardly missing the wall. He laughed then did it again, but this time he wasn't so lucky.
    He ran straight into the wall, face first. Dick release a scream, hoping to get Alfred's attention. On the floor in front of him sits a tooth. Dick glazed upon that in shock, then it wore off. He cried. He knocked his tooth out. He could taste the blood in his mouth. He screamed another scream, and was relieved to hear Alfred's voice.
   "Master Dick are you alright," Alfred asked creeping up the stairs. Once he saw Dick he rushed to his side. Dick continued to cry in Alfred's arms. Alfred tried hard to calm him to no prevail.
   Alfred reached the kitchen and immediately called Bruce." Master Bruce, Dick needs you! He is hurt," Alfred almost yelled.
"I'm a little busy," Bruce said gruffly.
"He knocked out one if he's teeth," Alfred said. Bruce could hear Dick screaming and crying in the background.
"I'm on my way," he said then hung up. Alfred tried to get rid of some of the blood from little Dick's mouth. Knocked out was one of his front bottom teeth.
   Just minutes later Bruce arrives. He runs into the kitchen to Alfred holding Dick, swaying, trying to calm Dick. Dick was just screaming and crying. Bruce definitely could see blood coming from Dick's mouth.
   Bruce walked up and held out his arms for Dick. Dick was transferred to Bruce, which didn't stop him from screaming. Bruce didn't know whether Dick was in pain or not." Shhhhhh shhhh Dick. It's okay, just tell me when it hurts," Bruce said rubbing Dick's back. Dick continued to sob in his shoulder.
    About 30 minutes later Dick's crying stopped. Bruce was sitting in a recliner trying to rock him. Bruce heard his steady breaths, guessing he finally fell asleep. Exhausted from crying, Dick slept with a bloody rag in his mouth. They attempted to stop the bleeding. They were just happy to know it was a baby tooth.
   While rocking in the chair, Bruce was telling Dick about the Tooth Fairy. Dick cried more softly once hearing that. Finally he was in slumber, and Bruce was relieved. Bruce carefully got up and carried Dick up the stairs. He laid Dick in his bed and went down the hallway to see Dick's toy plane next to his baby tooth. Dick was petrified to even see the tooth.
   Bruce took both back into Dick's room and put the $20 under the pillow. He smiled and kissed Dick on the forehead then went down stairs. Dick was now sleeping peacefully and Bruce was catching up on work, smiling.
   That morning Bruce woke to see Dick's shockingly blue eyes." Tati, look at what to Tooth Fairy brought," Dick said so happily, showing Bruce the money.
   "See it wasn't so bad loosing a tooth, now was it," Bruce said grabbing Dick, throwing Dick right next to him on the bed. Laughter filled the air.

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