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Dick was standing in the corner of the room watch the tons of people talk. He wiggles his arm in his 'monkey suit' back and forth trying to make it more comfortable. He hated charity balls and didn't understand why he had to be there.

Dick looks to his side to see a boy a few years older standing by him. He had red hair and freckles. The boy shot him a smile and motioned with his eyes to Oliver and Bruce walking towards them.

"Hey Dickie," Bruce says." This boy right here is my good friend Oliver Queen's ward. His name is Roy Harper and he is also looking for some company." Dick glances at Bruce and nods. He smirks to himself, knowing that they are The Green Arrow and Speedy, which they are  unaware he knows.

Roy smiles at Dick trying to be friendly, which isn't his forte. Dick didn't seem to mind though." Hello Roy I'm Dick," he said holding out his hand with a big smile. His blue eyes sparkled with hope that he could have some fun. Roy took his hand and they ran out into the gardens together. There in the middle was a huge fountain.

They raced to it, not caring of the consequences. They both got on to the ledge. Dick and Roy started to talk about random things like how Dick was in the circus. To prove it he did a hand stand all the way around the fountain.

Then they decide to get mischievous. They took off their shoes and got into the water. There they proceeded to splash each other, under the stars and full moon. Thank goodness it was summer time.

About an hour later they were bored once again and Dick said something that would get them in even more trouble." Lets go to the woods out side the fence." Roy froze at that. Sure it sounded like fun, but how mad would their parents be. But then his mischievous side got the best of him.

They ran to the fence. Once there Roy got ready to boost Dick over the eight foot fence, only to notice he was a few feet back getting ready to run. Roy flew up out of his crouched position. Was Dick going to scale to wall?

   Dick went running, and pushed up against the wall, his little fingers snagging and holding on the the top ledge. Roy's heart stopped. He was supposed to keep Dick safe, and now he was letting me just eight feet into the air!

   Dick pulled himself the rest of the way up onto the fence." You coming," he giggled. Roy glances at the mansion then back at Dick.

  Dick put his hand down, for Roy to hoist himself up. Roy grabbed Dick's wrist and pulled up. They then sat on the top of the fence peering into the woods on the other side.

   Shouts came. Both boys looked back to see Bruce and Oliver throwing a fit." RICHARD JOHN GRAYSON!! YOU GET LITTLE BUTT OFF OF THAT FENCE RIGHT NOW!!!" Dick thinks that he has never seen Bruce that mad. So he listened. He jumped off. In the wrong direction.

  Dick jumped into the woods, looking for just a little adventure. Roy then followed, chasing Dick down. Man, Roy was going to be in a ton of trouble!

   Roy called Dick's name as they ran. Dick then disappeared into the trees. Dick tried his hardest not to laugh as Roy ran straight past him. He covered his mouth and started to giggle. Next thing he knew he was yanked down and falling in to someone's arms.

  It was Roy's.....

   Once they finally got back, thanks to Roy, they were in deep trouble." Dick, what the heck were you thinking, and why are you wet? It is freezing!" Bruce scolded.

  While off to the side Oliver did the same to Roy." What were doing running off with Bruce's son like that! Heck, why were you even on top of the fence!" The boys the looked at each other.

   Then and there a mischievous glance was shared that would last a life time.....

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