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The 10th Century

You had a smile on your face as you walked through the town square over to a small cottage. You smiled as you passed by some of your neighbors, as you made your way to your destination. It was a short walk, since it was a small village.

You went up to the door of a cottage, and knocked lightly, politely waiting for someone to answer the door. It only took a few moments for your best friend, Elijah Mikaelson, to open the door. He greeted you with a warm smile, to which you gladly returned your own. "Y/N, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Elijah asked you with a playful smirk.

You let out a small chuckle and replied, "I wanted to see you, and your siblings." Elijah smiled and motioned for you to come in. You walked inside his house and before you took another step in, you were immediately greeted by the warm smiles of your best friends.

The first to greet you was Rebekah, Elijah's sister. "Y/N, it's so nice to see you again," she told you. You gave her your warmest smile as she pulled you into a hug and you responded, "Likewise." You then looked at Niklaus and gave him a hug as well, saying,"And how are you doing today, Niklaus?"

"I am doing perfectly well, and how are you?" he asked. "Better, now that I am here with all of you," you answered honestly. Your life wasn't horrible, but it wasn't the best. Your parents had died in a tragic accident when you were twelve years old.

You had been living on your own for a while, with no one, but, that was when Elijah found you. You and him quickly became friends, and after a little while, he had introduced you to his family, and you befriended them as well. The village you all lived in wasn't without it's magic. This land that you all inhabited was also inhabited by certain creatures -- werewolves.

To the village, these people were just your neighbors. You lived at peace with them, and once a month, everyone would go to the caves underneath the village, and hide from the wolves when the Full Moon came. The wolves dominated the night, and when morning came, you would all return home. You were thinking about life in the village, when a certain voice interrupted your thoughts.

"I see the woman Elijah fancies is back," he said. You smiled as you looked at him. "Kol," you stated with a smile, as he came and hugged you. "I do not fancy Y/N, Kol," Elijah told him. "Whatever you say, brother," Niklaus responded.

You laughed and you heard a quiet child's voice say, "I agree with Niklaus." You smiled as you looked behind Nik, and saw the youngest Mikaelson child, he was around ten, standing there. "Oh really, Henrik? And what makes you say that?" you asked him as you walked towards him. Henrik smiled and replied, "Well, if you didn't like Elijah so much, you wouldn't be over here all the time."

You smiled and asked, "Well where else would I go?" "You would stay with your family, of course," he answered. You gave him a soft smile as you looked up at Niklaus. Henrik was the only one who didn't know that you had no family.

Nik gave you a sympathetic look, and you looked back at Henrik. You ruffled his hair and told him, "But, I like your family so much better." He laughed and you gave a small chuckle as well. "So, I take it that your Mother and Father aren't home," you told them all. "No, Father and Mother went out on a walk," you heard a voice say from the doorway.

As if the family wasn't already big enough, there stood the eldest Mikaelson, Finn. You walked over and gave him a hug and asked, "Do you know when they will be returning?" "Shortly, I'm sure of it. If you want to wait for them, I'm sure they won't be too long. Besides, you have all of us to keep you entertained until they get back," Finn replied with a smile.

"No, thank you, but, I'd rather be gone before they arrive. I don't think they like me very much," you responded. "Of course they like you, how could anyone not like you? Father is just protective, and Mother is quiet, and afraid," Elijah told you, and you responded with a smile.

"Besides, I was just about to beat Elijah in a fight," Niklaus told you, grabbing his sword. "As if, Brother, you know that I beat you every single time, right?" Elijah responded. "Well then, let us prove that, shall we?" Niklaus challenged. "Alright, Brother, I accept your challenge. Care to join our siblings in watching me defeat my brother, Y/N?" Elijah asked.

You smiled and nodded your head, saying, "Of course I would." Elijah grabbed his sword and you all made your way outside to the middle of the town square. Elijah was the first to strike, and Niklaus quickly defended it, before making his move, which Elijah fended off. They continued and after a little while, Elijah asked, "Are you ready for your defeat, brother?"

"On the contrary," Niklaus responded. He then quickly moved his sword to break Elijah's belt. You all chuckled, even Finn who was normally the more serious one. You nudged Finn and said, "Don't tell me Finn Mikaelson is actually enjoying this."

Finn laughed once more and replied, "I enjoy a good fight every once and a while." You smiled, and then you heard Esther, the Mikaelsons mother say, "Relax, Mikael, Niklaus means well." You looked past Finn and saw Esther and Mikael, there Father, standing there as they watched how the fight played out.

"That's precisely my problem," Mikael responded, walking towards his two sons. Mikael forcefully grabbed the sword out of Elijah's hand, and Elijah sighed, walking over towards you. "So, why don't you teach me that trick?" Mikael asked Niklaus.

"Father, we were just having fun," Niklaus replied, respectfully. "We fight for our survival, and you find time for fun?! I want to have fun! Teach me. Come on!" Mikael yelled. "Father, it was nothing," Nik said quietly. Just then, Mikael made a move to fight Niklaus. Nik blocked his father's move, and they continued to fight.

With one quick move, Mikael knocked Niklaus' sword out of his hand, and pushed him onto the ground. You took a step to help Nik, but Elijah grabbed your hand, ensuring that you would not get in the middle of the fight.

Mikael raised his sword above Nik, and told him, "You are foolish and impulsive, my boy. What? No more laughter?" "You've made your point, Mikael," Esther stated. Mikael didn't break eye contact with Niklaus, and moved his sword next to Nik's face. "Some days, it's a miracle you're still alive...Boy," Mikael said, before getting up and leaving.

As soon as he was gone, you rushed over to help Niklaus up. "Are you okay?" you asked him. "I'm fine," he responded quietly. "Nik, I'm sorry you're Father is so horrible to you," you told him. He shrugged his shoulders and told you, "I have you and my brothers and sister to make up for lack of parenting." You smiled, and Esther came outside to your group.

"Children, come inside, we need to have a discussion. A family discussion, Y/N," she said. You nodded your head and replied, "Of course, I understand. I will go home." She nodded her head and went back inside her house. All of the Mikaelsons gave you a hug goodbye, and Elijah was the last.

"I will see you tomorrow?" Elijah asked you. "As always," you replied, before giving him a hug goodbye. Elijah smiled at you, and you took your leave, back to your empty cottage.

Creatures Of The Night (Elijah Mikaelson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now