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You woke up the next morning earlier than normal. You walked through town, on your way to the Mikaelsons, and you noticed that your neighbors were acting differently. You didn't know what it was exactly, you just knew that something was different about them.

You continued to walk to the Mikaelsons. When you got there, you knocked on their door, but there was no answer for a little while. You knocked lightly, once more, and this time, Esther came to the door and answered it. "Y/N, what a surprise. I am sorry, but right now is not a good time to see my children, please come back tomorrow," she told you, before shutting the door once more.

You stood there, dumbfounded, for a moment, before walking away from the house. You walked around the town, saying hello to some neighbors you hadn't talked to in a little while. You then walked into the woods, picking flowers that would suit you and your small cottage lovely.

You spent most of the day wasting your time doing unnecessary things, and by the time you had gotten back to your cottage, the sun had fallen, and the moon had risen. You put the flowers in some water, and set them on a table .

You then heard a knock on your door. You walked over and opened it, and saw Elijah standing there. "Elijah?" you asked. "Hello, Y/N. May I please come in?" Elijah asked you. "Yes, please, come in," you responded. Elijah gave you what looked like a grateful smile as he came inside your house, and sat down on one of your chairs.

He looked upset about something, so you asked him, "Is something wrong, Elijah, you seem distraught." "Can you keep a secret?" Elijah asked. "Yes, what is it Elijah?" you replied, concerned for him.

You sat down on a chair next to him, and Elijah told you, "My mother has cursed me and my siblings." "What do you mean by that? What did she do?" you questioned. "She wanted to protect us. She wanted to keep us from ever dying. So, she called upon the spirits of magic and asked for immortality, heightened senses. We aren't normal anymore, Y/N," Elijah told you, struggling to even tell you these words.

"I wanted to see you earlier today, Y/N, but I could not. We cannot walk in the sunlight without our skin burning," Elijah explained. "It's okay, Elijah," you replied. "No, it is not. There is one more thing about this terrible curse. It has made me and my brothers and sister only want thing," Elijah told you.

"What is this one thing?" you asked. "Blood," he responded. You felt your heart skip a beat as he said this, and you felt a little frightened at first, but then you looked at him. Elijah was broken, scared and confused. You cared for him and his siblings deeply, and you knew that even if his mother had cursed him like he told you, that none of them would ever hurt you.

You grabbed Elijah's hands and held them in yours. "It will all be okay, Elijah, I promise you," you told him. "No, Y/N, I cannot see you anymore. None of us can, we may hurt you," Elijah responded. "The only way you would hurt me is by leaving me like my family did," you replied.

Elijah looked at you with sad eyes and said, "If I ever hurt you Y/N, I would never forgive myself." "You will never have to feel that way, Elijah. I trust you, and I am here for you, always. I will help you get through this. We will do it together," you replied. Elijah smiled at you and asked, "You would do that for me?" "Of course I would. I would," you responded.

Elijah smiled, and you asked, "May I speak to your mother about this? I may have a solution for you all so that you may walk in the sunlight." Elijah thought about it for a moment and told you, "My mother may not be happy about you knowing of us, but, if you think you can help us, then I will take you to her."

You nodded your head and responded, "I can." Elijah then stood up and you and he left your house. Elijah took your hand in his, and led you throughout the town, to his house, even though you knew where it was.

He walked in and was first greeted by Finn who was focused on yours and Elijah's intertwined hands. When Elijah saw where Finn's attention landed, he slowly dropped your hand, and you told Finn, "I'm so sorry, Finn." "Elijah told you?" he asked. You nodded your head, and Elijah asked, "Do you know where Mother is? Y/N has an idea that may allow us to walk in the sun again."

"She is in the backroom with our sister and brothers," Finn replied. Elijah nodded his head, leading you to the backroom. As you passed Finn, you gave him a small hug, reassuring him that you were there for him.

You and Elijah entered the room, and you were immediately greeted with the faces of Niklaus, Rebekah, and Kol. "Y/N, what are you doing here?" Nik asked you. "Helping you," you answered with a small, sympathetic smile. Esther was also in the room, and she stood up, noticing your presence.

"I see that Elijah has shared our secret," Esther said. "Yes, and I will never share it with anyone else. I am simply here to offer some help," you replied. "What kind of help?" she asked you. "A solution for your children so that they may walk in the sunlight once more," you answered.

"How is that possible?" she questioned. "My grandmother was a witch. I remember she taught me a spell that could protect the immortal from a common force of nature. She used it to protect the werewolves, since she was in love with one of them, but I think that I may be able to use it for your children," you explained.

"What will you need?" she asked you. "Something for each of them that they must wear everyday, like a medallion, or a ring," you responded. She nodded, and all of the Mikaelsons gave you their family rings. Finn came into the room as well, and so did Mikael. They all gave you their family rings, and you said the incantation over each one of them.

You gave the rings back to them and said, "I do not know if this will work, because it was written for a werewolf, but I did my best." "Thank you, Y/N. You have done our family a great deed. How shall we repay you?" Esther replied.

"There is no need, as long as your children are protected so that I may never lose a friend, that will be the only payment I shall ever need," you responded. Esther gave you a small smile and each one of the Mikaelson children gave you a hug goodbye, thanking you as you left. Elijah walked you to the door, and told you, "Thank you, Y/N, I do not know what I, nor my family, would ever do without you, and I wish to never have to find out." You smiled and hugged Elijah. "You'll never have to," you replied before leaving.

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