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The next morning, everyone was on edge. Not only was it a Full Moon, which meant that tonight would be spent in the caves underneath the village, but people also were beginning to get skeptical of the Mikaelsons. They, of course, had every right to be, but you couldn't let them know that. They would burn the Mikaelsons alive if they knew what they really were.

You walked over to the Mikaelsons house and knocked once before Niklaus opened the door. "Good morning, Y/N. Right on time," he said with a smile. "You seem to be in a good mood this morning," you replied. He nodded his head and smiled before gently taking you by your arm and leading you outside.

"Look," he told you, but nothing happened. "What am I looking at?" you asked him. "Me! I'm standing in the sun, Y/N! Your rings, they worked, for all of us!" Niklaus responded with excitement in his voice. You smiled and said, "Nik, that's great! I'm so happy that they work. Now you can enjoy days out again."

He nodded his head before telling you, "Come on inside, Mother and Father are out, so we are all free to sit and talk." You smiled and he led you inside where, as always you were greeted with all of the Mikaelson siblings. They all gave you their best hugs. Partly because they considered you a part of their family, and today, partly because your rings worked, and they were all ecstatic about it.

"Who knew Y/N was a witch," Kol said. You let a small smirk dance on your lips as you replied, "I am not a witch, I just have a bit of magic in me." Finn smiled and responded, "Yes, enough magic to turn seven ordinary rings into shields for the dead." "Alright, so I am a little bit of a witch, but that doesn't make me a complete witch, therefore I am not one," you replied.

The Mikaelsons just laughed and Henrik came up to you and asked, "Do you know any magic tricks?" You smiled at him and replied, "Let me think. I can show you one that my grandmother used to do for me all the time." Henrik looked so excited as he nodded his head furiously. You then took Henrik next to their fireplace, all of his older siblings following, wanting to see the trick as well.

The room was empty, except there was a small wooden table with three unlit candles placed on top of it. "Alright, Henrik. This fire that you have burning does not just keep you warm, it contains its own magical properties, and I am going to show you just how special it is. Are you ready?" you asked him.

He nodded his head and you reached into the fire. You pulled your hand out in a cupped form, and you were holding the fire in a ball-shaped form in your hand. "See what I mean? Now watch it do it's tricks," you told him. You threw the ball of fire from hand to hand, making it dance and after a few seconds, you threw it at the candles, lighting all three on fire.

"Woah! That was absolutely incredible!" Henrik told you with a smile. You smiled back and Elijah said, "That was remarkable, Y/N. How long have you been practicing that?" "That was actually my first time ever doing that trick. I just wanted to make Henrik happy," you responded. The Mikaelsons stared at you in slight awe and you just smirked.

After a moment, you hear their front door open and shut, and two pairs of footsteps entered the cottage. "I must be going, but I shall see you sometime soon," you told them. You had started to leave, but you and Mikael crossed paths as you did so. "Y/N, thank you for the rings. You may prove to be a good asset to our family yet. However, don't let your heart lead your mind. Getting close to my children is a bad idea, and it will only bring you pain," Mikael told you.

You just gave him a slight nod of your head in response, and then walked out their front door. Before you got very far though, Niklaus came outside and called your name, stopping you in your tracks. "Yes?" you asked.

"Elijah, Henrik, and I are going to watch the wolves transform tonight. Would you like to accompany us?" he asked you. "Is that not against town rules?" you questioned. "It is, but no one will know, and it is going to be truly magical," Nik replied.

Creatures Of The Night (Elijah Mikaelson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now