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You thought that you had the vampire thing under control. That you could get through it without killing anyone, but the hunger only got worse. The Mikaelsons had made a vow to help you through it, but after you had stood up for Elijah and Klaus, Mikael forbid them to see you again.

So, you haven't seen much of them at all. They did, however, get you a daylight ring so that you could go out and talk to the townspeople in case you were ever feeling lonely. You walked out of your small cottage into the bright sun and after only a moment, you heard a familiar woman call your name.

You looked in the direction of the voice and saw that it was your neighbor who had called you. She was the most wonderful lady. She was in her later years with a loving husband and one child who must have been around Henrik's age.

You smiled at her as you walked towards her. "How are you dear?" the woman asked. "I am doing quite well, and yourself?" you responded. "I am getting along fine," she replied. "How is your family?" you questioned. "They are doing quite well indeed. My son, Frederick has only grown closer to his father, and together they train like warriors," she boasted.

You smiled, you were happy for her. "They are inside if you would like to come in," she informed you. You nodded your head and said, "That would be lovely." She smiled back and led you into her house, but you couldn't come in until she invited you, so trying to not make it obvious, you asked, "Are you sure I won't be intruding?"

She just gave a slight shrug of her shoulders and replied, "No my dear, please, come in." You smiled and walked inside the house. Her husband, James, and their son were sitting down at the dining room table talking and laughing.

"Y/N, how lovely it is to see you again. We haven't seen you around here in ages," James told you when he took notice of your presence. James and the woman, Elizabeth, used to watch over you when you were a child before you became such good friends with the Mikaelsons. You owed them much and made sure to visit whenever you could.

"Yes, well, I have been quite busy," you told him. He chuckled and asked, "Have you and that young boy who is always around gotten married yet?" You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion and questioned, "Elijah?"

"Was that the boy's name? I never could remember it," he responded. "Oh hush now, James, Y/N has told you his name many times," Elizabeth told her husband. He shrugged his shoulders and looked at you and you laughed. "No, Elijah and I are just good friends," you said. "Well, what about his brother?" James asked. "Which one? He has three," you stated.

"The other one who I always see you with," James explained. "Oh, Niklaus. No, we are just friends as well," you answered. "Well, that's a shame if you ask me. Both of those boys are decent-looking and raised well considering who their father is," Elizabeth responded.

You agreed with her and she asked, "Will you stay for dinner?" "I would love to," you replied. She smiled and motioned for you to sit down at the table while she began to cut some vegetables. You began talking to James and Frederick when you heard Elizabeth wince in pain. You looked over to her and saw as blood trickled down her finger from a cut she had given herself with the knife she was using to cut the vegetables.

"I guess I am getting too old to cook," she joked, but all you could hear was her heart beat. "Are you alright Y/N? You don't look well," James told you, and soon all you could hear was the beat of his heart along with Elizabeth's and Frederick's.

"Oh no," you whispered to yourself. The blood lust was driving you insane. You were going absolutely mad. All you could hear were the heart beats and all you could see was the blood on Elizabeth's finger. "Y/N?" Elizabeth asked. You looked up at her and whispered, "I am truly sorry."

Then, your face transformed and with great speed, you quickly drained the entire family of their blood killing them all, starting with Elizabeth and ending with Frederick. When you had dropped the young boy's body to the floor, you fell to the ground with it, tears pouring down your face.

You wiped the blood from your mouth and asked yourself, "What did I do?" You quickly ran from their cottage to your own and shut yourself inside it. You sunk down to the floor, feeling the guilt as you remembered taking each of their lives. They were like family to you...How could you do that?

An hour passed by and suddenly you heard a knock on your door. You thought it was your town's leaders coming to murder you for what you did to the family, but you were instantly reassured when you heard Elijah's voice say, "Y/N? Open the door, it is only me."

You tried to wipe the tears from your eyes, but they were instantly replaced with new ones. You walked over to the door and opened it, and Elijah was there. He immediately pulled you into a hug seeing your broken figure, and you told him, "I killed those people Elijah. How could I do something so monstrous? They were good people, and I drained them of their blood."

Elijah gave you a sad and sympathetic look as he told you, "Y/N, it was not your fault. I promised you that I would be there for you, so did Niklaus, and neither of us were. We have been so busy with our own family we forgot to check up on you. It is our fault."

"They were like family to me, Elijah, and I killed them," you stated, your voice barely above a whisper. Elijah felt his own tears threatening to fall from his eyes as he saw your broken appearance and heard your broken voice. "You didn't know what you were doing," Elijah defended you. "That doesn't change the fact that I still did it," you responded.

Elijah only pulled you tighter and told you, "Y/N, please do not feel guilty over this. You would not even be in this position had I not selfishly turned you. I made a promise to not let you kill anyone, and I broke that promise to you, and for that I am eternally sorry. If anyone should feel guilty, it is me."

You looked up at Elijah and said, "I do not blame you Elijah for not being around lately. I understand that you have family things to deal with, and knowing that your father does not want you nor your siblings seeing me, I do not expect to see you around more often, but, I need you to know that I must leave town."

"What? Why?" Elijah questioned. "The town leaders will soon discover the bodies of the family that I murdered, and once they find out it was me that killed them, they will come after me," you explained.

"Y/N, do not worry about that, please. I already have Niklaus, Rebekah, and Kol taking care of the corpses. No one will find out it was you, I promise you, and I also promise that no mater what my father says I will be there for you this time, and I will teach you how to control your thirst for blood. I will never let this happen again, Y/N, I swear to you on my life," Elijah responded.

You gave a small smile to Elijah and said, "I am going to have to hold you to that promise."

Creatures Of The Night (Elijah Mikaelson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now