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You woke up the next morning fairly early and with a smile on your face. Elijah was the only one who had ever made you feel this happy. You quickly got ready for the day and then heard knocking on your door.

You walked over to it and opened it to reveal Elijah with a loving smile on his face. He walked closer to you and pulled you into another one of his perfect kisses. "Good morning, Y/N," he told you once you both pulled away. "Good morning, Elijah," you replied with a smile.

"How is my lady today?" he asked with a smirk. "Your lady?" you questioned. "Well, we have known each other for a long time, and we have had a date, plus we keep doing this," Elijah stated pulling you into a longer kiss, tugging on your lip at the end of it.

You smiled and tried to hide it as he continued, "I think that means you are officially my girlfriend." You chuckled and told him, "Well, I definitely do enjoy being your girlfriend." He smiled and whispered in your ear, "And I definitely enjoy being your boyfriend."

He then grazed his fingers down your arm and intertwined them with yours, before leading you to where your shoes were. "Come on, we are going out," he told you. "Oh? Where to this time?" you asked him. "The snow has melted, and it is a beautiful day. We are going out for a walk," he replied.

You smiled at the thought of you and Elijah spending the entire day together and you quickly slipped on your shoes. You then interlaced your hand with his again before walking out the door.

Elijah was right, it was a beautiful day outside. The sun shone yet there was a cool breeze setting the temperature perfectly. Kids were playing around in the town and you laughed at how happy they were. Elijah then began to lead you through the town, strolling at a moderately slow pace so that you and he could spend more time together.

He led you to a beautiful meadow whose flowers had survived the snowfall and were now flourishing in the sunlight. You smiled softly at their beauty and found a patch of Y/F/C flowers. You bent down and picked one from the ground, smelling it.

The aroma it gave off was beautiful and Elijah smiled at the scene. "Aren't they gorgeous?" you asked him handing him one of the flowers. He smelt it and then looked back at you with a smile. "Yes, but there are still some things that are more gorgeous," he replied, making you blush.

You stood up and kissed Elijah's cheek. "This meadow is beautiful, thank you for taking me here, Elijah." He shrugged his shoulders and told you, "Anything for an excuse to spend another day with you."

You smiled and told him, "Elijah, if you want to spend a day with me all you have to do is come to my cottage and ask. You don't need an excuse. In fact, if you had wanted to stay inside all day, maybe even in bed, I would have said yes." Elijah looked back at you shocked and disappointed in himself now.

You laughed at his reaction and said, "Don't worry, perhaps we can save that day for another time." Elijah nodded his head, and you and he began walking again. You were starting to walk into the town center when Niklaus and Rebekah approached you, looking distraught.

"Niklaus? What's wrong?" you asked him. "Our mother, she is dead," he explained letting a single tear drop from his eyes. "What?!" Elijah asked, shocked and in pain at the same time. You squeezed Elijah's hand trying to comfort him.

You then asked Niklaus, "What happened?" "Father killed her," Rebekah responded. "Why?" Elijah questioned. "I do not know, but there is something else you should know, Elijah," Niklaus replied. "What is it?" Elijah asked. "Father not only killed our mother, but he is also trying to kill us," Niklaus answered.

"I don't understand, why is your father trying to murder your entire family?" you questioned. "We do not know, all we know is that we must escape him before our fate becomes the same as our mother's," Rebekah replied.

You looked at Elijah sadly and he asked you, "How could such a perfect day turn so bad so quickly?" You gave him a soft smile, and Rebekah just then noticed that you were holding Elijah's hand. "Y/N? Elijah? Is there something going on between the two of you?" she asked.

You looked at Elijah wondering if he wanted to tell his siblings, and then you looked at Niklaus and Rebekah who's stares were intently focused on you and Elijah. Elijah looked down at you before replying, "Y/N and I are together as more than friends."

Nik and Rebekah looked at each other before smiling, "It's about time," Rebekah stated pulling you into a hug. You chuckled and Nik hugged you as well saying, "Perhaps the relationship that you and my brother share will bring happiness to the rest of us in these dark times."

You nodded your head and asked, "How are Finn and Kol?" "Finn was Mother's favorite, he is broken, and I think that Kol is more confused than anything," Rebekah answered. "Where are they?" you questioned.

"Probably off hiding somewhere, they always feared Father the most," Nik responded. You nodded softly, and asked, "What are we going to do now?" "Niklaus and I have decided to wait until out Father leaves our cottage and goes out hunting tonight. Then, we are going to take Mother and say good-bye to her properly. You both will be there, right?" Rebekah answered.

"Of course, where shall we meet you?" you responded. "Mother's favorite place was out in the woods just beyond our house. There is a small, beautiful clearing there. We shall meet there," Rebekah replied.

You nodded your head and Rebekah and Niklaus left. You then turned to Elijah who was looking down at the ground sadly. You brought your hand up to cup his cheek and said, "Are you okay, Elijah? I am so sorry about your mother." "My mother was a very important part of my life, but you are also an important one. If my father is truly hunting us then I do not want you getting hurt just because of me," Elijah told you.

You shook your head no and replied, "If your father is hunting you, then I will stand by your side. The only way he can hurt me is by hurting you, and the only way he can do that is if you stand against him alone, and you will never have to do that."

Elijah smiled at you, happily and asked, "What good deed did I do to deserve a woman like you?" You smiled back and pulled him into a loving kiss. When you pulled away, you told him, "You should go help Niklaus and Rebekah. I will be at my cottage if you need anything, and I will meet you at the spot Rebekah told us to meet at, I have seen it a few times."

Elijah nodded his head, knowing you were right and hugged you tightly before leaving to go find his siblings. You let out a small sigh and went back to your cottage, and as you waited for the time to come to go and say goodbye to Esther, you thought of all the possible reasons why Mikael would want to kill his entire family.

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